Clearing the air

There has been a review of me written recently and I'd like to say a few things about it. To the point, cut and dry.

1) I have not seen this particular individual in almost 2 years. 2 years!! Any "info" he has is dated and irrelevant at this point. Seriously ya'll, he has nothing but old news. The only truth is that regrettably, I did have to cancel my appointment with him due to schedule conflicts.

2) I am honestly saddened by the chorus of voices agreeing with the allegations that I am "flaky", however I must recognize it for what it is. If any of you feel I have slighted you in any way, or that that review is any indication of how I really am as a provider, then I absolutely encourage you to PM me and we can discuss it privately. I think you'll find I'm a pretty cool chick.

Thank you Eccie, most of you are fantastic and I greatly appreciate the support I do get
Still Looking's Avatar
Hummmmm every review you have is a good one as far as I can see!? Were you concerned because the hobbyist forgot to fill in a YES under the recommendation? Two years you say? Hell you must have worn his ass out if it took him that long to write the review! LOL
To those who still find it necessary to add remarks to that bogus review, (and you know who you are) c'mon, quit hatin! Instead of publicly skewering me for essentially just having a busy schedule, why don't you be a gentleman and PM me with any concerns you have?

"These guys look like cowards, picking on women like that." ~ one of your own, an anonymous valued poster on Eccie.
There are 4 guys in that thread with a similar experience with you saying you have nsnc flakey tendencies. No one is being anonymous other then maybe the op. They are not piling on just saying you've done the same to them.

Guys don't like having their time wasted, it's kind of a hassle and not very polite.

Team Homer does not support flakeyness.
I am aware of that, and I've invited them to contact me so I can turn their experiences around. I've had my time wasted plenty and I don't go crying on the boards about it, nor would I ever gang up a member if someone else wrote a post about them. Just because I've had to cancel lately does NOT mean I give bad service or am a sh*tty person. These men act like entitled primadonnas, Sh*t happens people!! We providers have other things going on in our lives and sometimes schedule conflicts occur. Let's keep it in perspective.
Don't take this wrong but I think you are going about this in a way that is not going to endear you to the guys you want to come see you.

This is a review site just like yelp is a review site. If a customer goes into a restaurant and they are out of a product on the menu that the customer drove 30 miles to come eat the angry customer is going to put that up in his yelp review. Now how would it look if the restaurant posted on that review, " shit happens, get over it and come back another time and try." How would that look to everyone reading that review.

that is pretty much what you've done here. "Shit happens get over it" for everyone who may be a potential client to see. This board is for guys to tell other guys about their experiences, there are several guys in that thread who's experience with you is not a happy one, they feel like you have some tcb issues and so they are warning other guys that they should look elsewhere.

Your response to this is "get over it shit happens" not I'm sorry I'd like to make it up, I will try to do better. Your response is "stop whining you little bitches and get over it, shit happens"

Can you see how this approach might not be the best one to win favor with the guys who are making decisions??
If a provider doesn't want to be reviewed she shouldn't be on a review board.
Homer hits nail on the head.

Stay tuned to see if this gal gets it or digs a deeper hole. Film at your review board.
I see your point(s) and apologize for coming off harshly. I'm just upset because the review in question wasn't even a legit one. It never happened! I've been all over this place saying that, it never happened, this man is lying. Period. I have sent information to the moderators proving that this appt never took place. But then it morphed into some kind of springboard for people to talk sh*t about me, and that's where I'm at now. Feeling a little bullied by people on here. All of a sudden I'm having to do serious damage control (unsuccessfully, apparently) behind the lies of a hateful, unreasonable client and I'm staring at a newly empty inbox. I'm a great provider who aims to please (check out the positive reviews) and I sincerely do my best when booking appts. Again, I apologize for my approach and would like to better my reputation. I will make an extra effort to be more reliable in the future.

Officially done talking about this, if you want to see what I'm really about, PM or email me. You won't be disappointed. In fact, if you've been following this melodrama, I'm offering a "turnaround special" for the rest of the month as of right now.
Still Looking's Avatar
I see your point(s) and apologize for coming off harshly. I'm just upset because the review in question wasn't even a legit one. It never happened! I've been all over this place saying that, it never happened, this man is lying. Period. I have sent information to the moderators proving that this appt never took place. But then it morphed into some kind of springboard for people to talk sh*t about me, and that's where I'm at now. Feeling a little bullied by people on here. All of a sudden I'm having to do serious damage control (unsuccessfully, apparently) behind the lies of a hateful, unreasonable client and I'm staring at a newly empty inbox. I'm a great provider who aims to please (check out the positive reviews) and I sincerely do my best when booking appts. Again, I apologize for my approach and would like to better my reputation. I will make an extra effort to be more reliable in the future.

Officially done talking about this, if you want to see what I'm really about, PM or email me. You won't be disappointed. In fact, if you've been following this melodrama, I'm offering a "turnaround special" for the rest of the month as of right now. Originally Posted by Crystal Lake
Why can't they all be like you?