provider search feature

sue_nami's Avatar
I never really checked this out before. is there a way to say fbsm only and not fs providers? I can't find myself in the search no matter what criteria i enter. can you not see yourself.? i can't see my friend touchlush either when i search by our age range or even when i use the preset no preference criteria, we don't show up. what's the deal? how do you work this feature? do you guys use this to find providers much?
When I type your name exactly as your handle in search providers , your showcase comes up . Not specifying FBSM just handle in top box and search .
sue_nami's Avatar
not by name, i mean by age or some such criteria. what if they don;t know my name but want a 50 yr old provider with big tits and search for that?
Wrong person to ask , I know of pretty much everyone on here .
sue_nami's Avatar
well nice to meet u hun, I am sue nami and i am a big ole austin weirdo and i don't think we have met. or maybe we did, the way everyone changes names around here?
I'm the worst offender . Hahahaha ! So bad they won't let me anymore . Nice to meet you as well .