What do you think of Eccie these days?

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
So I don't post much here anymore as I do not find the site as useful to me anymore. It really does not add to my hobby and I don't need it to hobby. It would be interesting to hear what you all think of Eccie theses days.

I do use it to connect with my friends and to see a new girl here and there but posting here is not needed to hobby. As to contributing, there is not much to contribute, reviews are meaningless and every subject has been covered over and over. The entertainment value is at its lowest and participation is at best none existent.

That's just what I think about Eccie theses days!

3daygetaway's Avatar
IB, you are right. There has been a disengagement on the board. While I agree with Sit, that dialogue is stifled by haters and trolls, I don't think the board is useless.

What could you get out of it again? It is not a static space; it is elastic and changing. We have to create the change we want to see in the world! IB, look back at our heyday posts: what were we doing then? What are other cities doing to thrive?
DallasRain's Avatar
There is alot of drama/whining and favortism here...butr that has always been & always will be....it is just like life!

I just take the good with the bad....and I post just for my "peice of mind"/....and to "interject fun" into posts! I enjoy being on here and looking for "the bright spots"!!
So I don't post much here anymore as I do not find the site as useful to me anymore. It really does not add to my hobby and I don't need it to hobby. Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
so, what's source of hobby info? regulars? friends IRL?

i still find the site useful for finding and judging providers. it's pretty much my only source for hobby info since, as a relatively less experienced hobbyist, i don't have the relationships i can only assume the more experienced guys have.
It is a good site. Too many reviews of the same providers seems tp be driving up prices and quality of services. Just my opinion.When I first started great service was the norm, now it is the exception.
nuglet's Avatar
it's always nice to see new talent, or visiting talent, make an appearance... How else is that gonna be a known?
fun2come's Avatar
These days entertainment value to me is indeed low
Participation, including mine, low
Depends on what you are looking for, where you are in your Hobby life (experienced vs newbie).
So I still find certain areas useful, while others are just useless to me. But these areas change, so overall, I am glad Eccie is still around.

Overall, may be less thinking and more fucking???
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I am not saying the site is usless...for me it's not that usfull and yes more experienced hobbyiest move away from the "posting" and fine tune there hobby, the site just doesn't have the appeal right now. To many other things to do, but as always it will change some day. Reviews don't carry the weight they use to and that use to be the meat of this site, now it's drama, plus all the banners and pop ups

A well tuned ad blocker takes care of pop-ups and other CPU-sucking annoyances, while allowing in some non-obtrusive ads to limit the damage to the site's ad revenue.

CoEd's been quiet these days, but I still like browsing the ads, ISOs, and reviews.
Crickets in Austin are large....
If you are into a variety of attractive fresh talent then Ads, Iso's and Review forums are what it's all about.
Those forums are as good as ever.

If you want to banter for years on end with the same few guys, bandles, mandles & mature BBW's while drawing unnecessary attention to yourself then Coed is the place to be.

It seems many are catching on to the idea that it is wiser to be out of the limelight these days.

Skarla's Avatar
I love it! granted I wasn't around back in the good ol' days, which I've heard a lot about!

I love this board, not to sound lame, but I love lurking and reading discussions and watching things escalate, ebb and flow.
You can always find a funny story, or a cautionary tale.
Most of the things I've learned, I have been lucky enough, to learn through the forum instead of the hard way.
Being part of this community is a privilege, it gives women like me so many opportunities to share experiences, and look out for ourselves in a context that doesn't shame us, or compel us to vie against each other for the same attention.
Also, the trolling is always on point, there is not a minute on this board that I am bored, highly amusing, would even consider giving a discount to some of our main posters due to their sheer entertainment value. I don't think I'll find anything like this anywhere again.
fun2come's Avatar
Like a >10'000 useless posts discount?

The value of the site just increased a bit, unlike ... oh well ...
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
I'm still "green" enough(14 months) to find the sight helpful,and sometimes fun.
It's been useful,especially, when I've nearly pulled the trigger,and learned about so-and-so's negative history.
And of course the reference system provides a level of safety I can't get elsewhere.
What I hate on Eccie are the mean-hearted and stupid people of both genders.
But someday,when I have truckloads of reviews (I hope), the cream rises to the top, and I'll be happy with a few ATFs, and Eccie will be less useful for me,too.
3daygetaway's Avatar
@Skarla, two years ago, the Coed was bursting at the seams with hilarious commentary, discussion (often cerebral), funny pics, news stories, and compliments as well as the occasional zing. Of course, many of the threads were Ads in disguise (threADS), but they were good! I guess those providers moved on or got burned. Feel free to bring back the spunk to ECCIE!