Last week I visited Austin to try to expand the gentlemen I get to meet.

I had an amazing time there, with the exception of meeting one ECCIE user:


Typically i'd post this in the ladies section or I would just make an alert, but I feel that this is something that needs to be taken serious.

I did my research on him thoroughly before I decided to post an alert, but short story: After a horrible session, he didn't pay my donation and tricked me by leaving an envelope with business cards. I trust the gentlemen who meet me - but after him - I feel forced to count each and every time. This is not how a lady should feel in this hobby.

This is where it's serious. Golden Guy is the well-known, Wetwilly.

I found this out by tracing back the phone number he used to contact me to an old thread.

Then I searched up his current username and see that he has ANOTHER alert that was posted just TODAY!

I believe that Austin moderators should take action and get this man banned. He's dangerous, strange, uses different handles and obviously DOES NOT pay the providers he meets.

Golden Guy Member Link:

Old Alert:

New Alert:



It's so typical for a man to blame the victim. My screening is thorough but he had a new handle (which did not have any alerts posted yet - I saw him on 10/10 - I can confirm this since I checked and please do try to find one) + I'm newbie friendly.

You know all this information on him because you stay in the Austin Section of the board and can pin-point the similarities between handles. Common sense sweetheart.

I have no one to blame but a thief who likes to take advantage of providers.

Carry on.

Nothing new here, except you're the latest victim.
He will be banned soon enough, then he will have a new handle and do it again.
You ladies are responsible for your screening, for fucks sake start doing it.
It doesn't take a genius to know not to see a handle that is new with refs that can't be verified.
All money is not good money, hold out for someone who can provide 2 or 3 verifiable refs, or you only have yourself to blame like you do right now.
Search alerts forum for all the alerts on kingman and tell us how well you screened?
Latest one here
I'm a hobbyist, my life doesn't depend on knowing this shit, but I do, why don't you?
No one is going to do your job for you, it's why you make the big bucks, Originally Posted by sit on my face
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Sorry you had to deal with him.. If you had ran his number before meeting him you might have been able to avoid this
Thank you love! I ran him through our helpful V website but with no luck. I'm adding an alert myself.

Sorry you had to deal with him.. If you had ran his number before meeting him you might have been able to avoid this Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
Are you a provider? No? Okay than, don't tell me how to do my job. If you knew anything, you'd know that were typically not allowed to write a full phone number on ECCIE without getting banned, so I never run the phone number on here. But of course you wouldn't know that, because you don't know how our side is! You're just another troll with nothing good to say.

Well there you go, you are lazy.
Why didn't you also run his number thru Eccie alert forum?
You'd have saved yourself more time doing the screening, you're not a victim, you're lazy!

And don't be stupid, I don't just stay in Austin forum, I know the bad guys in Houston.
You're the one who only stays in Houston.
You'd think that a weak girl would research the dangers before traveling to a strange city, but apparently you're not that smart and would rather play the victim.

VerifyHim is only a half a resource at best, because it's a pay site not all providers pay to be on it. Originally Posted by sit on my face
Thank you for the update and I am so sorry that happened to you
Stay safe sweetie.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Are you a provider? No? Okay than, don't tell me how to do my job. If you knew anything, you'd know that were typically not allowed to write a full phone number on ECCIE without getting banned, so I never run the phone number on here. But of course you wouldn't know that, because you don't know how our side is! You're just another troll with nothing good to say. Originally Posted by Rosaline Isabel
I would learn from this even partial numbers through every site ..If one can find the alerts without full numbers after the appt..Im guessing the same would have been found before..

FYI..Eccie will not ban a member for robbing you or even hurting you as that is an "off board activity" the most he will be banned for is having another handle after previous ones were banned.
I did my research on him thoroughly before I decided to post an alert,

If you would have done this research before seeing him then you wouldn't be writing this thread...
Well another provider said the same thing to you, maybe you should learn from it?
Or not I don't give a fuck!
He'll keep doing it as long as STUPID bp providers are not smart enough to screen properly.
Full number or not he doesn't have refs and you were stupid enough to invite him in! Originally Posted by sit on my face
Amen to this
I'm hoping he'll get banned for using another handle. I have more than enough proof.

I would learn from this even partial numbers through every site ..If one can find the alerts without full numbers after the appt..Im guessing the same would have been found before..

FYI..Eccie will not ban a member for robbing you or even hurting you as that is an "off board activity" the most he will be banned for is having another handle after previous ones were banned. Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
Thank you!

Thank you for the update and I am so sorry that happened to you
Stay safe sweetie. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
If you didn't give a fuck, then you wouldn't be commenting on this thread.

Well another provider said the same thing to you, maybe you should learn from it?
Or not I don't give a fuck!
He'll keep doing it as long as STUPID bp providers are not smart enough to screen properly.
Full number or not he doesn't have refs and you were stupid enough to invite him in! Originally Posted by sit on my face
Golden guy's Avatar
That bitch got some fake ass pics too dawg
Golden guy's Avatar
staff edit ynot,
Whispers's Avatar
I'm hoping he'll get banned for using another handle. I have more than enough proof. Originally Posted by Rosaline Isabel
And what good does that do? He's already been banned more than a dozen times. it takes little to no effort for him to recreate himself and post a couple of new fake reviews......

Desperate whores are sloppy in their business practices and he takes advantage of it.

Lower your prices to a reasonable point and you can find plenty of reputable guys worth seeing with great references.....

Stay desperate and keep fucking up....

It's YOUR business like you said..... you obviously NEEd some advice but why bother taking it.

You and several before you are proof that SOME whores simply NEED pimps..... Clueless on how to care for yourselves....