Silence and news..

I really haven't said much on the boards lately.. I guess I have just taken a break for a bit. It sounds silly but I sure do miss chatting with you guys.. But the silence is killing me. So I may just have to ramble on and on about something just to get us all connected again. Lol.
Speaking of which.. random question.. who all has seen Wonder woman?! If you know me. You know how I feel about about this particular matter.. hahaha..
In other news though.. New pictures are coming soon. I guess I forgot that I only have like 3 and never bothered to add more because my camera sucks. But! New ones will be posted this week.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Lovely Lady:

From what I've read of your reviews, YOU are Wonder Woman!


Awwwww.. lol.. well thank you How are you by the way?? Its been a while!!
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Awwwww.. lol.. well thank you How are you by the way?? Its been a while!! Originally Posted by Sexi Sophia
I'm fine. Traveling in a variety of directions - seems like everywhere but MS. But I will be back to the Coast and hope to meet you when I do.

hotandhorny1013's Avatar
Hey Sophia,

I have not seen Wonder Woman but I have seen you....much better way to spend my time!!

Hope all is well!!
HoundstoothBear's Avatar
Wonder Woman stands beside The Dark Knight as the best DC movies ever.
O.k. I gots to go see this. I think Marvel Studios has been king of the hill for the last 4 years, but I've yet to hear a bad review about the Wonder Woman movie
Hotandhorny.. i am very well, thank you. You are very sweet, thank you. Come see me!
Hound.. you are absolutely right. About the only Dc movies that I actually like.. and basically the only good ones.
And Sir wonderful.. you wont regret it. Its fantastic. I don't think I have heard anything bad either. If you can, go see it in 3d. Its so good!
And Jag.. I would love to finally meet ya mister!! Glad to hear you are wel!
Watch out for JaG, he's a horny perv. You know, a regular guy.