DOJ and FBI scrubs any reference to ISIS or Islamic Terrorism from Orlando Shooters Phone Transcripts.

We certainly don't won't to offend any Muslims by reminding them that there are followers of their "Prophet" that are hell bent on killing anybody that isn't.

This is beyond absurd.
Absolutely Orwellian.

I theorized at one point this behavior by Obama, his administration and the Dims was an effort to secure the Islamic vote.

It goes beyond this now. I think they have a secret agreement with CAIR, the Muslim brotherhood and other Islamic operatives.

Someone needs to put that question to Obama directly.
LexusLover's Avatar
A CONSTITUTIONAL law professor tampering with evidence......

.....This is getting "rich" .... "too rich"!
The worlds a stage. There's the script, the actors and these assholes are the directors.

Gotyour6's Avatar
This is a good idea.

Why put bad light on an otherwise peaceful religion.

It is the gun that did this and we all should admit this.
If it weren't for the gun, none of this would have ever happened.
Now let me get back to American Idol...
LexusLover's Avatar
This is a good idea.

Why put bad light on an otherwise peaceful religion.

It is the gun that did this and we all should admit this.
If it weren't for the gun, none of this would have ever happened.
Now let me get back to American Idol... Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Or cleaning pots and pans ....

Evidently Mateen, worshipped "omitted"???

President Obama and Attorney General Loretta Lynch Have a “Terror Truth” Problem…
Posted on June 19, 2016

by sundance

….And they need to hide it, big time.
It is not accidental that Loretta Lynch was featured on all five major broadcasts for the Sunday news cycle (Topic Orlando Terrorism). You might well remember the last time a key administration official named Susan Rice met with an almost identical Sunday schedule (Topic Benghazi Terrorism).
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
“He talked about his pledges of allegiance to a terrorist group. He talked about his motivations for why he was claiming at that time he was committing this horrific act. He talked about American policy in some ways,” Lynch said. In one of the call he pledged allegiance to ISIS, authorities have said.

yes, sweetpea Lynch, it's called ISIS.

“The reason why we’re going to limit these transcripts is to avoid re-victimizing those people that went through this horror. But it will contain the substance of his conversations,” she said.

translation: The Muslin in Chief has banned any mention of ISIS as it will offend her.
LexusLover's Avatar
“He talked about his pledges of allegiance to a terrorist group. He talked about his motivations for why he was claiming at that time he was committing this horrific act. He talked about American policy in some ways,” Lynch said. In one of the call he pledged allegiance to ISIS, authorities have said.

yes, sweetpea Lynch, it's called ISIS.

“The reason why we’re going to limit these transcripts is to avoid re-victimizing those people that went through this horror. But it will contain the substance of his conversations,” she said.

translation: The Muslin in Chief has banned any mention of ISIS as it will offend her. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
She's turned into a real disappointment as a human and intellect.
Right before your very eyes...

ISIS has a new hand sign — and it means far more than ‘We’re #1’

whenever possible, Obama and his minions have rushed to judgment, let loose prejudices or otherwise blamed without proof, and denigrated white people, conservatives, the police, etc, for any tensions in American society, all in furtherance of their ideological narratives - and heretofore they have consistently been wrong

to obama the biggest sinners of the present are typical white people, 1,000 year old defenders against Islamic aggression, the American founding fathers and statues of Robert E. Lee

in this case and all cases of isis and terrorism on American soil, its been the opposite, they have consistently lessened, denied, ignored, and lied, all in an attempt to hide any Islamic religious motivation

they have even changed the word Allah used by the shooter to God in this case- perhaps in their deliberations they are hopeful they might get a twofer- hide the Islamic motivation and maybe get people to think it was just another crazed christian
while calling the outcry over the scrubbed transcript "a distraction"

the Obama administration has reissued the transcript in unredacted form

of course also saying it had been solely lynch's decision in the first instance

both republicans and some of the news media complained....

they had to head off the news media
LexusLover's Avatar
Lynch: "Scrubbing emails is nothing! A walk in the park for me!"
gfejunkie's Avatar
the Obama administration has reissued the transcript in unredacted form Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
That was an interesting turn of events. I guess they figured out that the American public wasn't as stupid as they thought. The cat was already out of the bag and they couldn't cover it's shit up fast enough.

Having this Muslim terrorist on tape shouting "Allahu Akbar" and pledging allegiance to ISIS just didn't fit their anti-gun, anti-Republican, anti-Trump narrative.

Not everybody in this country is as dumb as the dimbulbocrats that suck up every lie Obama tells them.
LexusLover's Avatar
Not everybody in this country is as dumb as the dimbulbocrats that suck up every lie Obama tells them. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
.. and still going at it!!!! 7 1/2 years later!!!!!