He did it. All of the things that we all know about Hillary..... liar, corrupt, money grubbing, spiteful, inept, unqualified.......he laid it on the line.

David Gergan, noted RINO, stated on CNN that one Candidate should not slander another at this level.

Hey, shit for brains, if it's true, it's not slander.

Lay it on the line, Donald. Fuck her.
gfejunkie's Avatar
It was a good speech. Should sell a few more copies of "Clinton Cash". A book the lying David 'Rodham' Gergan said had been discredited (it never has been discredited much to the left's dismay).

Looking forward to seeing the movie.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-22-2016, 12:06 PM
Yes, and while you are at it Donald, how about you quit trying to convince everyone that you are a buffoon. This should be a slam-dunk REP win after 8 years of Obama and a psychopathic liar for a DEM candidate. But in spite of that, you are trying your best to find a way to lose an election--by a potential landslide--that you should win by a huge amount.

If Clinton wins--as she likely will--there will be NO ONE more responsible than Trump.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Poor Old-T.
LexusLover's Avatar
Poor Old-T. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
I don't think he realizes exactly who is being "polled" for these "trends"!

gfe .. were you polled?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-22-2016, 12:20 PM
Poor Old-T. Originally Posted by gfejunkie

If Trump falls on his face it is not "Poor O-T", it is "Poor US". As far as despising Clinton as the worst human being I can ever remember running for president, you and I are in agreement this time.
LexusLover's Avatar

If Trump falls on his face it is not "Poor O-T", it is "Poor US". As far as despising Clinton as the worst human being I can ever remember running for president, you and I are in agreement this time.
Originally Posted by Old-T
A problem is .... he's the only guy on the stage who would say it .....

.. and part of his attraction is that so many would like to say it, but won't or don't!

BTW: The skewers the polls, along with folks thinking Bill is running.

John Kerry got a dose of that in 2004. Folks didn't admit they voted Bush.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I don't think he realizes exactly who is being "polled" for these "trends"!

gfe .. were you polled? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Nope. Never been polled. Here's an interesting poll though...

A "trend" maybe?
LexusLover's Avatar
Your link distracted me ...

sorry ... I'll get back on track momentarily .... yet another Trump lady!
Hillary established a new standard in the art of crony capitalism - she bypassed the middleman and became her own crony
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-22-2016, 03:37 PM
I don't think he realizes exactly who is being "polled" for these "trends"!

gfe .. were you polled? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Did I reference a poll?


I really don't follow polls, nor can I tell you what the latest polls say. I have to evaluate polls in my line of work, and I know how amazingly biased/leading they usually are.

But I do manage to actually see things beyond the self-reinforcing myopia that both extremes have. I look at two groups of people that tell me Trump is digging a really big hole for himself:

#1: His continued insulting of Reps in their home states. Yes, I am sure it makes the "anti-establishment" crowd feel good. The same solid base of people that got him the nomination. The Wacko fringe for the most part. Trouble is he hasn't realized that unless he gets the Reps so pissed at him that they change the rules for this convention--something I would be completely against--HE IS THE CANDIDATE. He needs to STFU with the insults of his own party (take Susana Martinez, someone I don't particularly like, but who supports most of the Trump ideas). All those insults do is convinced undecided voters that the Reps are a bunch of ill mannered pre-teens, and cause him to lose donations and lose street level door knockers and get-out-the-Rep-vote workers. Even worse than alienating the Rep Senators & Congressmen, he has really pissed off some of the key career staffers. Congressmen come and go, staffers are forever. A general with no privates will lose every war.

#2: The military/DoD vote. Not because they are huge numbers, but because they are a canary and a very, very heavily Rep group in most cases. In both Bush-2 elections the DoD folks I talk with were 15 or 20 to 1 for Bush. Energetically and emotionally for him. But in Obama's first run that same rough demographic was closer to 4 to 1 for McCain. It wasn't an anti-McCain thing as much as it was an anti-Rep thing. It was a clear precursor of a major decay in the Rep base, and it showed. So far this year I see serious, serious "I can't vote for either of these scum bags" attitude very consistently in that crowd. No, most will not vote for Clinton, but many will not vote for Trump either--and that hurts Trump a whole lot more than it hurts Clinton. So again, unless Trump does some massive rebuilding of that kind of basic Rep support, he will be destroyed.

And again, once more for the reading challenged on here, I am NOT hoping for a Clinton win in any way. I do remember all the wishful-thinking "trends" and "polls" talked about on here last time; I see more whistling past the grave yard by the RWWs here again. Be afraid. Be very afraid. And if it comes to pass, it is all Trump's fault for enjoying being the pompous ass instead of actually playing the game to win. If he does win I will be ecstatic that Clinton lost, and I will stick around here an let all you folks gloat.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Nope. Never been polled. Here's an interesting poll though...

A "trend" maybe? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Probably the same percentage of Republicans won't vote for Trump either so it's probably a wash.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Probably the same percentage of Republicans won't vote for Trump either so it's probably a wash. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Those pussies will come around. Where else are they going to go? Shrillery? Not hardly.
Yes, and while you are at it Donald, how about you quit trying to convince everyone that you are a buffoon. This should be a slam-dunk REP win after 8 years of Obama and a psychopathic liar for a DEM candidate. But in spite of that, you are trying your best to find a way to lose an election--by a potential landslide--that you should win by a huge amount.

If Clinton wins--as she likely will--there will be NO ONE more responsible than Trump.
Originally Posted by Old-T

What The Fuck Do You Care? Remember, you only vote against Presidents... SO WHO ARE VOTING AGAINST THIS YEAR?

LexusLover's Avatar
Did I reference a poll?


Originally Posted by Old-T
I did. They are posted everyday in the media.

Ok, you don't pay attention to them. You base you prediction on what?