Reviews over 30 days

Is it ok to post reviews that are over 30 days? Just to share the info. I thought some of it might be helpful. Some are yes for recommendation and others are no. I also have some reviews that are within 30 days as well. Thanks.
...just within the last 6 months.
Well hell yay-ess!!
Thanks, bro!
You’ve been busy! Where’d you find out that girl China was coming through? Sorry I missed her. Thanks for reviews.
Thanks for the feedback! I have some more reviews to ad as well. Lucky timing with China, I have seen her a few times. We stay in contact, I still text back and forth with her on a weekly basis. She is very cool and a lot of fun, definitely a firecracker! I am sure she will come back again. There are a couple of girls I am trying to convince to visit our area. There is one provider from North Carolina that I have been talking to that I am certain would be very popular here!! If I am successful in bringing any to town I will let everyone here know.
Highwayman64's Avatar
Yes you may post them but they have to be within 30 days for credit sir.
jtdhs's Avatar
  • jtdhs
  • 06-20-2018, 05:00 PM
Can we get PA credit for an encounter report that is older than 30 days, but happened during the blackout period? In this particular case, it would be April 16.
Loki Pk's Avatar
Can we get PA credit for an encounter report that is older than 30 days, but happened during the blackout period? In this particular case, it would be April 16. Originally Posted by jtdhs
No that is far too long ago for PA.
I have granted PA to several that were closer to 45 days, seeing how the shutdown put the kybosh on us all. But as time goes on the leash will get shorter.

Not to be a dick about it...but no encounters since April? Dude!....go get your dick sucked for pity's sake!