Alternate solution to new threads posted as reviews?

bluffcityguy's Avatar
I just noticed that of the two buttons on the Independent Reviews forum, "NEW THREAD" precedes (i.e., is to the left of) "NEW REVIEW".

I've gone on record several times advocating that "NEW THREAD" should be removed from the review forums (at least from Independent Reviews and Agency Reviews, the two forums which should be strictly reviews and no discussion threads). I'm wondering now if some newbies click "NEW THREAD" because, after all, in English we read from left to right, and they see the "NEW THREAD" button before they see "NEW REVIEW" so they click that first.

If there is some good reason for keeping the "NEW THREAD" button on the review forums (I don't see one, but I'm willing to be educated), maybe you can at least reverse the order? Then maybe more newbies will see "NEW REVIEW" first and kind of stumble their way into correct behavior?

Worth a thought, anyway.


memdal's Avatar
Logic at its best. Agree, the only "new" in the reviews section should be a New Review.
Sonoman's Avatar
Make sense to me.
Yes I agree makes cleaning it up a lot easier. Going to post this suggestion and see the higher up say about it. Thanks for your input.
Mojojo's Avatar
Unfortunately that's just the way the software is for the review sections.