Jerked around by MagDel2014/Emily Conner

Note to Moderators. I was told that this belonged here rather than in alerts. Moderators, if you need to delete either this or the other posting in Alerts, please do so with my blessing.

This was not what I thought I would be writing tonight.

Emily had been on my radar for a while. I had even called her a few times but things on my end didn't line up. Finally, tonight, things had lined up to where I could see her. I had seen that she had good reviews so I had high hopes.

I called her and made an appointment for 8:30. I drive fro South Austin to meet here near Highland Mall. She tells me to call her about 15 minutes before I get so I do. I call. End up leaving a voice mail. I get a text message saying that she is still at the pharmacy. Since I am driving and cannot text back I call and again leave a voice mail. At that point I am beginning to have a foreboding sense that squirreliness is impending but I try to keep the faith and carry on. At 8:32 I get a text back saying "OK sweetie stop blowing up my phone I'm a little lost but I'm coming." Did I mention that the appointment was for 8:30.

At 8:37 I get another text saying that she is at 35 and Riverside. I call again as a call seems warranted at this point. She chews on me for blowing up her phone but says that she will be there around 20 minutes. I give it a little extra time,drive around for a while because I don't want any calling the cops on me because I am suspiciously hanging around the parking lot and, since I am parked in the parking lot, text her back a little after 9:00. I wait for a bit. A little later I get a text a saying that she didn't see anyone around so she went to dinner. I text back asking why she did not call me. No reply. Tried calling. No answer and now the voice mail is full.

To say this experience was disappointing is an understatement. There is simply no excuse for this sort of behavior. Too bad. She had really good reviews. Visit at your own risk, fellow hobbyists.

Links and contact information for reference:
Still Looking's Avatar
Some times things work out for the best!
no glove no love's Avatar
Looks like someone is waving a red flag! Mods would have moved the alert here.