Willtay1990 ~ Regarding his negative review

Lexieinhouston's Avatar
I was going to post this yesterday, but decided to give it a day & have decided to share my side of things.

I saw Willtay's ISO night before last and decided to meet him on the spur of the moment. I did screen him & noted at the time that 3 of the 5 reviews he had (now 4 of 6) were negative. I usually do not see people with more negatives than positives because I feel it must be a problem with them or their decision process. I decided to take a chance on him and see him anyway...1st mistake.

If Willtay was disappointed by my looks he could have sent me on my way, he did not. It is very well documented by me & in my other all yes reviews that I am a small BBW & also that I am not the youngest Chef on the block. He proceeded with the appointment, so I thought he was fine.

I'm not going to go into great detail here, but basically he decided to start smoking while things were in progress, literally blowing smoke into my face while I was trying to do my job. I hate smoking and it is very clear in my profile that I am a non-smoker. My Mother died of lung cancer & so even the smell really gets to me now. I mentioned this to him, but he continued chain smoking the entire time, blowing smoke my way.

Finally, I became physically ill from it & had to jump up from a kneeling position from where he was trying to ff & proceed to the nearest trash can & then to wash my mouth out. It was near the end of the time & so he got dressed looking really annoyed. I told him all the smoke was what made me ill & I offered him a complimentary visit to my place after the holidays in January, because I felt like maybe I should have just flat out asked him not to smoke in the beginning, so wanted to take some responsibility for it. I considered not accepting the donation, but honestly I was there almost the entire time and felt like I deserved it after having suffered thru all the smoke, etc.

Anyway, you can't seriously expect a non-smoker to preform well if you are going to be rude and blow smoke directly at her while she's trying her best to make your day. It was honestly one of the rudest things I have come across in over ten years.

Those who have seen me know that I am more than generous with my time & that this is not a regular occurrence. I have a very high rate of return, otherwise I would not have done so well in this world, so I must be doing something right.

One thing I do agree with Willtay1990 about: It was definitely a bad time. This would never have happened at my place because it is a smoke free environment & if someone is a smoker and can't refrain for an hr or so, then they smoke outside. I will be more clear on future out-calls & am truly sorry this ended badly.

Thanks to those who messaged me in support yesterday, it honestly did mean a lot. Much love & happy holidays!

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I am extremely sensitive to ciggeratte smoke as well. I literally cannot be around it. Just the smell on ones fingers will have me gagging.

I long for the day when it's illegal to stroll down the street in a heavily populated area and smoke.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I'm also very sensitive to cigarette smoke, and have had to turn away good money from fine fellows otherwise because I couldn't bear the environment. I literally get nauseous and my nasal passages close up when exposed to much. (Makes it difficult to visit clubs, and I love to dance, dang it.) Most of the gentleman who I've seen who smoked WERE gentlemen and refrained in my presence.

So, this guy called you away from your perfectly clean private incall to a stale no-tell room, and even knowing you were a non-smoker he lit up and blew pollution in your face right in the middle of the festivities and kept it up the whole hour until you were green in the face? He got annoyed? What did he expect? That you would refuse the money on an outcall after he made you sick in the first place? Offering him a subsequent free visit at your place seemed a fair make-up, but evidently he thought not.

Sounds like a pretty inconsiderate sort from the get-go! Perhaps he was getting off on it as a another form of control along with the FF? At any rate, yes, you have made it plain that you're a mature BBW, like me, so that shouldn't have been an issue if he read your Showcase, posts, and reviews. He had a choice, just as he had the choice not to force YOU to suffer from HIS nicotine habit.

You have 23 other positive reviews on ECCIE that say everything you need. It was just a bad date, plain and simple, mismatched people. He should, however, be looking ONLY for providers who smoke if he can't refrain from pushing second-hand tobacco off on ladies. I mean jeez, I'm tubby, but not like I shove cupcakes down my clients' throats.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Thanks guys, I honestly do care about the people I meet & sincerely do give it my all. As I said, I do share some responsibility in this because I should have just said, "hey, would you mind not smoking while in session" or at least asked him to go move across the room or something. I was trying to be nice. As for meeting out as opposed to my place, I am only doing outcall right now because I have family members in town for the holidays.

Fancyinheels's Avatar
Thanks guys, I honestly do care about the people I meet & sincerely do give it my all. As I said, I do share some responsibility in this because I should have just said, "hey, would you mind not smoking while in session" or at least asked him to go move across the room or something. I was trying to be nice. As for meeting out as opposed to my place, I am only doing outcall right now because I have family members in town for the holidays.

Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
Ah, my misunderstanding on the outcall part, and therefore my apologies to the gent on that issue. Still, with all of the public data, smokers SHOULD be well aware of how their proclivities negatively impact those around them, and just because someone pays another to perform a service doesn't automatically give them rights to the oxygen that person breathes, too.
Lexie, It Is very rude and gross of him to share his bad habit w/you
without your consent.

Cigarette odor and smoke are very strong. I'm allergic.
I don't smoke and don't like to be around anyone who
I have It as one of my dislikes In my showcase
how I hate when a persons body and clothes smell of smoke.
That Is why I have the guys WASH and rinse themselves 3 times
while In the shower cause once Is not enough
especially If he's a smoker.

I'm sorry he was so rude to you.

Sounds like a tongue scraper, listerine or even a
bar of soap Is not enough to help that guy.

Think about this for 5 more minutes chick,
then place all this In the graveyard.

Hugs and Happy Holidays!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar

I saw Willtay's ISO night before last and decided to meet him on the spur of the moment. I did screen him & noted at the time that 3 of the 5 reviews he had (now 4 of 6) were negative. I usually do not see people with more negatives than positives because I feel it must be a problem with them or their decision process. I decided to take a chance on him and see him anyway...1st mistake.
Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston

You didn't bait and switch him or anything so you are good. My only issue is you taking the chance on someone who is running at 60-80% clip in favor of negative reviews. Throw in another 10% on the trick bullshit factor and it's basically a 70-90% chance you were gonna get a bad review. Those are very high percentages not in your favor at all. Just charge it to the game but next time don't ignore the statistical odds. Not all business is good business but you already know that.
Wakeup's Avatar
Sounds like this is all your problem...I don't see any fault on his part here...
FindumFuccemFleem's Avatar
A client started chain smoking as soon as you put his dick in your mouth?

That's hard to believe
But if it's true and the smoke bothers you that much,you have ended the session right there
junglemonkey's Avatar
What a load of bullshit.
A client started chain smoking as soon as you put his dick in your mouth?

That's hard to believe
But if it's true and the smoke bothers you that much,you have ended the session right there Originally Posted by FindumFuccemFleem
There is alot of shit that happens in this buisness that's hard to believe but it most certainly happens..

I'm sure she knows she should have done alot of things differently... I've had my words with her but I honestly believe she is telling the truth...
K..... who in the fuq kidnapped Dorfy?
Wakeup's Avatar
I hope she's telling the truth...it's still all her problem, not his...
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
I have admitted things I could have & certainly should have done differently. I have learned a valuable lesson here and have moved on in a positive way.

& thanks Dorthy, I'll bet people are disappointed we aren't still going at each other, lol.

I hope she's telling the truth...it's still all her problem, not his... Originally Posted by Wakeup
I agree