please remove this false alert

Hey, this is gojo65. Casey.taylor6969 posted a alert this is a lie, saying i raped her. Now i have posted several rebutals on her oringinal post and i posted another one as "casey.taylor6969 is a liar" which it appears that you have removed it from the alerts posting. I have explained in detail what happened that night, and that it is not true. So since you removed my posting it is only fair that you do the same with hers. I am tired of seeing this posting continue to be active and me having to constantly defend myself from the lies of this nutjob. I have not ever had any complaints with any of the girls on eccie. I have recieved support from other members as well. Saying this post should be removed
i am tired of my reputation being dragged through the mud for something i did not do and no proof that i did. I have explained in detail what happened and that if i had did what she said i would be in jail right now. So enough is enough. Remove it