Preparing for the worst in Ferguson, MO

This doesn't look good:

A lot of store owners are arming up and preemptively boarding windows in preparation for the grand jury announcement.

Needless to say, gun sales are way up.

The GJ decision is expected in mid-November. As in "any day now".
LexusLover's Avatar
Yea, here are some PROTESTORS from before:

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Personally, I think the officer was justified, and I hope he gets no billed. I think the people purchasing guns for self defense are making a prudent choice that will enable them to protect themselves, their families, and their livelihood.
My suggestion to the authorities is that they place a bunch of cameras in the area to accurately bring to justice all those who consider it their right to wantonly and violently commit mayhem.
LexusLover's Avatar
How about a no-bandana or face covered ordinance?
President Obama could possibly diffuse this situation by having a Nationally televised talk to the Country, saying that we are a system of Laws, and the Officer was correct in his actions.

I say " possibly", because what we are dealing with here are a bunch of fuckin' animals. A new Big Screen and Air Jordan's trumps anything Brother Prez could say.

Just look at that big lard ass with his pants down around butt. Obviously another "gentle giant"

Fergusan will burn. And President Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and all the other Race Baiters and Poverty Pimps will be to blame.
You do know Obama controls this situation, exNYer? He and Holder sent Sharpton and his National Action Network down to Ferguson to rabble rouse. It was reported by Politico and I referenced it in this forum.

Sharpton met with Obama after the mid terms. Even before he met with Boehner and McConnell. I'm sure what to do was discussed in addition with who will be the next AG. It's a sad situation.

All Obama has to do is call off Sharpton and cut Benjamin Crump a check.

Then "tragedy" averted. And the motherfucker had the audacity to reference Ferguson his U.N. speech as some flaw in America. Simply inexcusable.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This doesn't look good:

A lot of store owners are arming up and preemptively boarding windows in preparation for the grand jury announcement.

Needless to say, gun sales are way up.

The GJ decision is expected in mid-November. As in "any day now". Originally Posted by ExNYer
Here is the thing.... "Needless to say, gun sales are way up." why? I know that XNYRKR thinks that this is bad but I will remind him that convicted criminals can't buy guns, they steal them. Not to say that all the protestors are criminals but the guys who want to bust into stores and businesses are probably criminals. So who is buying legal weapons and ammunition? Why store owners are. One man, or two, and his family can't stand against a mob of looters but a man who has the legal right to defend what is his CAN stand against an unlawful mob. They should suspend all alcohol sales though. And, despite the optics for the democratic governor, they should put a national guardsmen on each street corner with a Hummv.

I hadn't thought of the cameras, good idea. They should be sunset in a couple of months so it does not become the norm.
Here is the thing.... "Needless to say, gun sales are way up." why? I know that XNYRKR thinks that this is bad but I will remind him that convicted criminals can't buy guns, they steal them. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You're a fucking moron. And once again, you can prove it.

The very common expression "Needless to say" means, in essence, "the following is, of course, to be expected". It is a statement of the obvious. It neither approves of nor disapproves of what follows. Did I really need to explain that to you, mope?

And what on earth makes you think that I think it is bad? For the record, I think it is good, jackass.

If the booze had not addled your brain, you might remember that I have defended the Supreme Court's 2nd Amendment decision from attack by board progressives.
I B Hankering's Avatar
In the event the Grand Jury does rule "no bill", it appears Mother Nature will step in and put a damper on the **celebrations**. Rumors are that it's going to be so cold, young men will actually be wearing their trousers with the waist lines on their waists!!!!
gfejunkie's Avatar
My advice... Buy more ammo.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You're a fucking moron. And once again, you can prove it.

The very common expression "Needless to say" means, in essence, "the following is, of course, to be expected". It is a statement of the obvious. It neither approves of nor disapproves of what follows. Did I really need to explain that to you, mope?

And what on earth makes you think that I think it is bad? For the record, I think it is good, jackass.

If the booze had not addled your brain, you might remember that I have defended the Supreme Court's 2nd Amendment decision from attack by board progressives. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Problem with borrowing an Obama tactic? "needless to say", "no one can disagree", "no one argues the point". All Obama phrases.

Actually hoping to net other little fishies....maybe later.
Problem with borrowing an Obama tactic? "needless to say", "no one can disagree", "no one argues the point". All Obama phrases. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Wow. Just wow. Just how stupid can you get?

An innocuous phrase like "needles to say" is actually an Obama tactic?

I have been hearing that phrase since I was a kid and I am older than Obama. Did he really develop that tactic as a child?

You started out by saying something stupid and now, rather than admit a mistake, you are doubling down on stupid.

You assumed because I used to live in NY that I am anti-gun. This, despite my 2nd Amendment support in threads like this:

So you are provably wrong - as usual.

Now you are trying to spin your story to avoid admitting you have no idea what you are talking about.

Actually hoping to net other little fishies....maybe later. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Or maybe never. Perhaps you should just run away from this thread.
LexusLover's Avatar
You assumed because I used to live in NY that I am anti-gun. Originally Posted by ExNYer
May be you left, because most people in NY are anti-gun?

Illegal ownership anyway.
May be you left, because most people in NY are anti-gun?

Legal ownership anyway. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I left for a LOT of reasons.

See here:
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another circle jerk from the Idiot family!

And one tremendously ignorant comment from LLIdiot, the head cheese.