CBS! Charlie Rose Shocked That Marco Rubio Called Hillary A Liar.

Here is another "journalist" that needs to crawl out of the turnip patch.

He just can't believe that someone would actually point out that Hillary Clinton is a lying cunt. Period.

And Rubio held his ground, backing it up with facts as presented under sworn testimony.

That debate two nights ago must have the Liberal/socialist/progressive/Democrat Left worried. WAY too much truth came out, and America was listening.
the way dims fight back against truth is try to act appalled at breach of decorum
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
More than that, Rose tried to do a Candy Crowley by saying that Hillary just changed her position because the CIA changed the story even though we know (and Rubio pointed this out) that CIA didn't change anything that first couple of days until the White House ordered it. The CIA was totally on board with the terrorism threat when Hillary, Obama, and Susan Rice spread the story of the video like manure.

Here is another "journalist" that needs to crawl out of the turnip patch.

He just can't believe that someone would actually point out that Hillary Clinton is a lying cunt. Period.

And Rubio held his ground, backing it up with facts as presented under sworn testimony.

That debate two nights ago must have the Liberal/socialist/progressive/Democrat Left worried. WAY too much truth came out, and America was listening. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It's not that she's a liar, it's the manner in which it's called out. Example one would be your post.
It's not that she's a liar, it's the manner in which it's called out. Example one would be your post. Originally Posted by WombRaider
And after fact-checking his words, turns out he's pretty much a liar too. Big surprise.
I do not think she dodged sniper fire. That's the difference between you and I, one of many, actually, is that I base each incident on its own merit. You're a fool. The worst kind of fucking idiot.
I B Hankering's Avatar
And after fact-checking his words, turns out he's pretty much a liar too. Big surprise. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You and that slimey journalist would be the liars, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Here's the facts, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, Hildabeast's emails explicitly reveal Hildabeast was saying one thing in private and another to the American public.
It's not that she's a liar, it's the manner in which it's called out. Example one would be your post. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Well, when dealing with someone as dispicable as Hillary, you have to call it like it is.
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm shocked that Charlie Rose is "shocked" .... I thought he was smarter than that.
And after fact-checking his words, turns out he's pretty much a liar too. Big surprise. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Oh but, but, but.....their source is newsbusters....and yours is just the Washington Post.

Good luck with that......they're all brain-dead morons. They shriek that HRC is a liar while utterly ignoring that their candidates are liars as well. They refute every allegation, no matter how strong the facts are, by attacking the media source that delivers it and thereby dismiss it out of hand, without even considering it. They formulate their opinions by relying on Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart, etc etc ad fucking nauseum while hypocritically taking the position that those sources are truthful and without bias when everybody knows that isn't correct.

This place has turned into a cesspool with jagoffs like Lengua, Iffy, the Waco Kid and the rest of the ilk posting up one stupid fucking thing after another. At least the admiral makes an argument without using homophobic slurs or regurgitating the same ridiculous child-like insults in post after post after post. I even miss Whirly. Ex-NY'er has dropped out too, I'm sure because the level of discourse, which has never been particularly high, has been taken over by a bunch of knuckle-dragging morons.

Fuck you all.
LexusLover's Avatar
....their source is newsbusters....and yours is just the Washington Post.

They shriek that HRC is a liar while utterly ignoring that their candidates are liars as well.

They refute every allegation, no matter how strong the facts are, by attacking the media source ......

They formulate their opinions by relying on Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart, etc etc ad fucking nauseum ........

This place has turned into a cesspool ....

Fuck you all. Originally Posted by timpage
I can't imagine why you keep coming back! And you even begin threads.

You've got no knuckles left to drag.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oh but, but, but.....their source is newsbusters....and yours is just the Washington Post.

Good luck with that......they're all brain-dead morons. They shriek that HRC is a liar while utterly ignoring that their candidates are liars as well. They refute every allegation, no matter how strong the facts are, by attacking the media source that delivers it and thereby dismiss it out of hand, without even considering it. They formulate their opinions by relying on Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart, etc etc ad fucking nauseum while hypocritically taking the position that those sources are truthful and without bias when everybody knows that isn't correct.

This place has turned into a cesspool with jagoffs like Lengua, Iffy, the Waco Kid and the rest of the ilk posting up one stupid fucking thing after another. At least the admiral makes an argument without using homophobic slurs or regurgitating the same ridiculous child-like insults in post after post after post. I even miss Whirly. Ex-NY'er has dropped out too, I'm sure because the level of discourse, which has never been particularly high, has been taken over by a bunch of knuckle-dragging morons.

Fuck you all.
Originally Posted by timpage
The Wall Street Journal already weighed in and called Odumbo, Hildabeast and Rice liars, Little Timmy-tard. So go fuck yourself, Little Timmy-tard.

Hildabeast, and Ms. Rice and Odumbo for days and days continued to spin the video lie (WSJ).
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Oh but, but, but.....their source is newsbusters....and yours is just the Washington Post.

Good luck with that......they're all brain-dead morons. They shriek that HRC is a liar while utterly ignoring that their candidates are liars as well. They refute every allegation, no matter how strong the facts are, by attacking the media source that delivers it and thereby dismiss it out of hand, without even considering it. They formulate their opinions by relying on Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart, etc etc ad fucking nauseum while hypocritically taking the position that those sources are truthful and without bias when everybody knows that isn't correct.

This place has turned into a cesspool with jagoffs like Lengua, Iffy, the Waco Kid and the rest of the ilk posting up one stupid fucking thing after another. At least the admiral makes an argument without using homophobic slurs or regurgitating the same ridiculous child-like insults in post after post after post. I even miss Whirly. Ex-NY'er has dropped out too, I'm sure because the level of discourse, which has never been particularly high, has been taken over by a bunch of knuckle-dragging morons.

Fuck you all. Originally Posted by timpage

I want to have the classes attention here. What we see is the classic "attack the messenger" tactic. A charge has been made against a beloved icon of the left and knowing that the charge is true, Timmie attacks a couple of the many sources of the charge. His hope is that you will disavow the entire story because he cites a couple of "radical" sources. This way he can draw attention away from our own ears for one thing. We heard the afore mentioned email that was released before Rush, Fox News, or Breitbart made a single comment about that contents of the email. This attempt is doomed to failure because of the certainty of the subject matter; Hillary Clinton is a bad liar, an evil liar who lied to the families of the fallen. You can't get much lower than that. Unless, of course, you imprison someone based on those lies....which she also did.
I'm shocked that Charlie Rose is "shocked" .... I thought he was smarter than that. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Charlie Rose has always been a hard core lying liberal. He couldn't have gotten his show on PBS if he were not . Little timmy, Lil Cotex and woomby must be glued to their seats whenever his show comes on.