Forced to stay home!

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-22-2020, 06:20 PM
Now that Dallas county forced people to stay home, the ones still not taking this serious and still advertising playtime might begin to pay attention. This isn't a joke people
Chung Tran's Avatar
Now that Dallas county forced people to stay home, the ones still not taking this serious and still advertising playtime might begin to pay attention. This isn't a joke people Originally Posted by BLM69

the only reason to be on this Board, is for 2 reasons.. one, we are stuck at home, so we need internet to communicate.. two, hopefully we can discuss the virus and make others aware how bad things are. if you are looking to play, you need to seriously re-evaluate.
LISTEN PEOPLE!!! Chung Tran is not seeing ladies. If that doesn't convince you, I don't know what will!!!

I'm serious, thank you Chung Tran and BLM69.

I feel like a broken record. I get why some ladies have to keep working, but for the life of me, why why why to the gents?
Chung Tran's Avatar
LISTEN PEOPLE!!! Chung Tran is not seeing ladies. If that doesn't convince you, I don't know what will!!!

I'm serious, thank you Chung Tran and BLM69.

I feel like a broken record. I get why some ladies have to keep working, but for the life of me, why why why to the gents? Originally Posted by Michelle ma Belle

I didn't think of it like that, but good point.. if I am quarantining myself, that is a strong message to send!

we need to think about each other, our health, our Community. fight this virus hard for a while, and keep priorities where they need to be. remember when ECCIE folded for more than 2 months, almost 2 years ago? we dealt with it, it was an annoyance, but we returned. this virus may be life and death.
Hugs to you and all. Your viewpoint impresses me. I mean that. Hopefully things will get make to normal soonest so you can continue to regale us with your exploits.

Stay safe my friend.
Now that Dallas county forced people to stay home, the ones still not taking this serious and still advertising playtime might begin to pay attention. This isn't a joke people Originally Posted by BLM69
What do you think about a Eccie Chat Room Virtual Happy Hour? I think you should plan one.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-22-2020, 08:25 PM
What do you think about a Eccie Chat Room Virtual Happy Hour? I think you should plan one. Originally Posted by Michelle ma Belle
I've never been into the chat room thing, but if you guys wanna do it, go for it!

A long time atf who had disappeared (maybe a county vacation) texted me about a hour ago, begging me to go see her. Had to turn the offer down
texassapper's Avatar
Some simple facts. You will get the Chinese virus. Until ~70% of the population has been infected and recovered (or vaccinated against infection) social isolation will only slow the spread, not stop it. Anytime we come out of social isolation the virus will start spreading.

The virus has a fatality rate ~1.2 percent that means. So a little over 1 death per thousand infected. 1000 x .0012 = 1. ~ 330,000 deaths from this virus in the US REGARDLESS of whether we socially isolate or not. Those who die are predominantly >70 or have compromised respiratory systems. Those people should stay the fuck away from other people. The rest of us? Not so much.

Unless we all stayed away from one another, we aren't going to stop this thing, and since that's not possible, the longer we stay shut down, the longer it takes for the infection to sweep through the population. Of course, we're destroying the economy at the same time.

So is everyones livelihoods worth ~300,000 people? And those 300,000 are going to die from this anyway, we're just trying not to overload the hospitals. People are good with it for now, but come APR 6, I think the majority of Americans are gonna say F' that.

*That death rate is likely to go lower too since there are people infected that haven't been tested because they have no symptoms.
mtabsw's Avatar
Some simple facts. You will get the Chinese virus. Until ~70% of the population has been infected and recovered (or vaccinated against infection) social isolation will only slow the spread, not stop it. Anytime we come out of social isolation the virus will start spreading.

The virus has a fatality rate ~1.2 percent that means. So a little over 1 death per thousand infected. 1000 x .0012 = 1. ~ 330,000 deaths from this virus in the US REGARDLESS of whether we socially isolate or not. Those who die are predominantly >70 or have compromised respiratory systems. Those people should stay the fuck away from other people. The rest of us? Not so much.

Unless we all stayed away from one another, we aren't going to stop this thing, and since that's not possible, the longer we stay shut down, the longer it takes for the infection to sweep through the population. Of course, we're destroying the economy at the same time.

So is everyones livelihoods worth ~300,000 people? And those 300,000 are going to die from this anyway, we're just trying not to overload the hospitals. People are good with it for now, but come APR 6, I think the majority of Americans are gonna say F' that.

*That death rate is likely to go lower too since there are people infected that haven't been tested because they have no symptoms. Originally Posted by texassapper
Good points, but not the whole picture IMHO.

I'm not an Epidemiologist, a doctor, or even a medical professional. But there is a lot more to the problem than pure stats on how many will be infected, how sick will they get, and how many will die.

A number used by the governor of NY - no more qualified than me or Texassapper - was how many ICU beds they'll be needing. He said 30,000 with 3,000 available.

Let's say he's wrong on the high side by 50% - that's still 15,000.

What is trying to be accomplished now is to spread that number out over a longer period of time.

If 15,000 people need ICU care in the same week, 12,000 will be turned away.

If it can be spread over 5 weeks i.e. 3,000 a week then the current capacity can meet the needs.

Make sense?
Texassapper your math sucks. 1.2 percent is 1000 x .012 = 12/ thousand. If you multiply the population of 330,000,000 x.012 = 3,960,000 fatalities in U.S. you were off by a factor of 10.
tom51's Avatar
  • tom51
  • 03-23-2020, 11:22 AM
I was ordered to work from home a week ago due to my position can't get sick and fortunate I can work from home to keep from getting bored. As for seeing ladies I suggest guys you stock up on KY and be self sufficient and safe!!!
Grace Preston's Avatar
Sorry dude.. I lost you when you called it the Chinese Virus. Calling COVID-19 the "Chinese Virus" because that's where it originated would be like calling your mother "Buick Skylark" because that's where she originated.
I am in similar situation and more. For few of us, if we get virus during work home, there will be potential discipline
after the investigation. We are actually even paying for all delivery services and full pay working or not. On call 24/7 and work phone tracking. This really Sucks !
Sorry dude.. I lost you when you called it the Chinese Virus. Calling COVID-19 the "Chinese Virus" because that's where it originated would be like calling your mother "Buick Skylark" because that's where she originated. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Whoever stated that is following our great leader
ManSlut's Avatar
I am in similar situation and more. For few of us, if we get virus during work home, there will be potential discipline
after the investigation. We are actually even paying for all delivery services and full pay working or not. On call 24/7 and work phone tracking. This really Sucks ! Originally Posted by georgecam
So you’re doing all of this posting while you’re on the Work Clock?...Niiccceee