Posting with-out phone number

I have noticed a large increase in the number of adds, specifically on p-411 (I usethis service almost exclusivley) that omits the ladys phone number. While I inderstand that some may wish to not be constantly dealing with phone calls, I have experianced a great number of times a lady not returning a P. M. from that site. I am not one that likes to "cast a wide net" and see who responds first, as I think that unfairly wastes time of whichever lady responds AFTER I have committed to one who responced first. I think I am seeing many more postings with no phone number (KCMO p-411 has slightly more than 33% of ads sans phone numbers) How do others here deal with that issue?
flightmedic's Avatar
I've used P411 for a long time - if a gal there doesn't answer you within four days just complain to the staff there - it is a rule they must reply if I understand correctly and they can lose their posting rights if they do not write you back. Four days is - was last time I heard it discussed on TER - the rule.

I always look for a website for the hooker too - there will usually be alternative contact info there. After all - they do want your money... they just aren't always adept at finding a way to make it easy to take it from you.
I threw my phone away because I found that the truly serious clients used e-mail/messaging.
Sometimes, P411 e-mails go to my spam folder in my e-mail, so that may be what your problem is some of the time with girls not responding to you via that site. I would try e-mailing them directly and then sending them a PM from P411 if they ask you to verify who you are.
I had a guy complain to Gina that I NC/NS'd him a couple of years ago, which wasn't the case because we never agreed on a time or place, but his P411 messages were going to my spam folder and our communication suffered from it.
jframe2's Avatar
It can be for several reasons-
- changing numbers for normal business security reasons;
- problem with clients blowing up the phone;
- changing their mode of operation to give out the # after they have gotten positive screening for a client;

Just an observation.
Blame the internets! Times have changed and things evolve. Remember land lines? >.>
Blame the internets! Times have changed and things evolve. Remember land lines? >.> Originally Posted by bobbyupside
Uggh, yes I do Bobby. I also remember dial up. The only reason i have a land line is for faxing, and that should be switched to the fax to email program. But I would rather spend my free time drinking beer and listening to metal. And fucking around on the dubya dubya dubya.

Total non sequitur of the day:
I wonder how these dumb fucks would post pictures on the facebooks of their amy mann song lyrics tattooed on their ribs without technology?
realizing when a number IS posted, there is an old dude on the other end with a bottle of hand lotion... (deep breathing)... (weez)... Is this Angela Aspen?.. (said breathy).... I think yer um... (panting now) ... hot!

Next Call Beeping In:
17 year od with a hard pee pee:
(High Pitched Voice)... Is this Really Angela Aspen?... Im a Big Fan.

p411 sorts out the riff raff
~DolceVitaBentley~'s Avatar
I don't use my phone that much because I need references sent threw email or websites.
Longermonger's Avatar

p411 sorts out the riff raff Originally Posted by AngelaAspenXXX
Can I change my handle from Longermonger to Riff Raff?