why the threats??

some guy in kc (wichita number thought) has been texting me for a few days begging me to come visit him at his hotel. I informed him like i do all callers/texters that i dont offer outcall at this time and he was welcome to come to me. Well im guessing he had a few drinks because after begging me to come over tonight on my last night and i told him again i couldnt make it out. He then decided to bash me and tell me that he would end my work here in k.c forever.... though he may not do anything this happens to me and friends of mine quite often, and im wondering why do we have to worry if we dont offer a sevice will the costumer write a review to make our time making a living harder??
Unfortunately bailey, there are jerks on both sides of the fences, which make this hobby world of ours difficult...sounds like you ran into one tonight.

It is unfortunate that you had to deal with this deadbeat...at least it was only over the phone, rather than in person (I know, too bad you even had to deal with it over the phone).

Ultimately, we have our reputation to rely on, when encounter such creatures. If the dude writes a fake review...start a well written, non-emotional thread explaining your side, and I doubt whether his review alone well effect your future business

Also, if he does right a bogus review, immediately PM Fritz, the mod for his help and insight.
ss4699's Avatar
Infact next time you have a situation like this, share it directly with a moderate. That way you don't open yourself and the board to quite some much drama.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
Actually, you probably shouldn't go straight to a moderator unless the person in question is violating the rules of the board. So, if someone is threatening you on the phone, there isn't much a moderator can do. If a person is threatening you within the confines of the board, they can issue points and such.

VK is right when he says that we each have to rely on our reputation, so it's important that when you write your side of the review, it's based on facts not emotion.

A bad review from a person nobody really listens to doesn't really work against you. If someone has nothing but great reviews, some guys start to think that perhaps a few of them are fake (as in it's too good to be true so it probably isn't). And having people upset with you doesn't really kill your business either. Jackie, a pretty, smart and experienced gal has often noted how when some joker on here tees off on some gal for being bad, that gal's business goes through the roof.

At any rate, the key to it all is just keep on keepin' on and don't sweat the small stuff.
Do you have access to the provider infoshare section in the KC forum? You should post his information in there if so. He sounds like an asshat.
some guy in kc (wichita number thought) has been texting me for a few days begging me to come visit him at his hotel. I informed him like i do all callers/texters that i dont offer outcall at this time and he was welcome to come to me. Well im guessing he had a few drinks because after begging me to come over tonight on my last night and i told him again i couldnt make it out. He then decided to bash me and tell me that he would end my work here in k.c forever.... though he may not do anything this happens to me and friends of mine quite often, and im wondering why do we have to worry if we dont offer a sevice will the costumer write a review to make our time making a living harder?? Originally Posted by b@ileythepistol
Honey, we ALL have to deal with these things from time to time. That's what happens when you put yourself in the spotlight for the world to see and put your contact info out there. Just do your best to ignore all his calls and texts, and hopefully he'll get bored soon and move on. If he does stoop so low as to write a bad/fake review about you, make it known, like this:


Keep it short, simple, and to the point.

I wish you the best!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Be careful, Bailey! Stay safe!