Ginger Lea

sarcon2009's Avatar
Very excited to be seeing her tomorrow, i am really chomping at the bit.
Anyone seen her in person before? I am a huge fan of her movies.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wow! Have a great time, dude! Looks like money well spent!
zeejoe's Avatar
Good luck! Love to see a review- thought hard about booking, but couldn't find any reviews or descriptions of services.
NoHalo4Me's Avatar
Saw her years ago and this week. Has aged like fine wine. A little spacey this week. She had a cold and was probably trippin on Nyquil! LOL

Has a booking agent that has no problem scheduling back to backs with no intermission. Might be a problem if your father in law is also a hobbiest.
Omahan's Avatar
Can't link to porn any more so ... just google "Ginger Lea video" - WOW!
Blue_Buddies's Avatar
She's hot!