After much reading...

tinkers's Avatar
Hello all members and especially all the lovely providers,

I have learned quit a lot after 2 days of reading various posts and permanent links. Thanks to all who have taken the time to pass on their knowledge and insight in regards to why we are all here. I have also had some very good laughs at some of the replies to questions asked and also just in general conversations.
DestinyInKc...I have enjoyed several of your responses on different topics. Urban Dahlia you also bring a smile to my face with your sense of humor...
Without having a quick witted transition to get to my question (and not being able to find the answer by searching the forum) I will go ahead and just ask...

Being new on the forum and having no references what can a client do to help a provider be more at ease when setting up a meeting? For those clients that have found a few providers that they would like to spend some time with but require previous references. As we all are limited by time and $$$ the client wants to spend time with a provider that sparks his interest and understandably the provider wants to know she is safe with said new client by requiring references. This is one of those dilemas like which came first...chicken or egg. Client doesn't have unlimited funds to work his way up to having numerous references...provider that client wants to spend time with requires references. Both have nothing to do with Uncle Leo or want anything to do with him...Hmmmm, How do we bridge this gap?

Ladies PLEASE throw your input in to this.... Urban Dahlia, DestinyInKc, Ashley Madison, Kay2Day, Chloe.Star, I would especially like to hear from you. Yes...I am well aware that asking for your individual input is not being subtle at all on my part All advice is welcomed.
Hope all here are having a great day and safe travels....Tinkers
tinkers's Avatar
P.S. Sorry if i put this in the wrong section....wasn't sure where it belonged.
Just find yourself a newbie friendly provider hun.
I am very newbie friendly and I know there are others out there with different shapes, styles, and menues. I'm sure Atleast one or two of them may spark your interest sweetie!
Urban Dahlia, DestinyInKc, Ashley Madison, Kay2Day, Chloe.Star, I would especially like to hear from....

Just a guess, but I think these ^^^^ are the ladies that spark his interest.
tinkers's Avatar
Yep...Why "beat around the bush" when sometimes you just want to get straight to the point. Don't get me wrong, I am a firm believer in preheating the oven 99% of the time, it makes a much better tasting meal. But there are those times that you just want to nuke something in the microwave and go!
I was in a similar situation as you tinkers. I am not a newbie, but I took an extended break and was gone long enough my references were no longer around (or of use). And I can tell you that simply PMing the providers you are interested in and asking if they are newbie friendly can go a long way. And some ladies, such as Destiny, indicate they are newbie friendly (she is also stupendously hot so I'd think you can't go wrong there ). It might also be of benefit to get setup and verified on p411. Some ladies will except that verification even if you are a newbie.

Best of luck to you tinkers!
tinkers's Avatar
Thanks for the reply MrLarue. I appreciate any and all advice.
Johnny4455's Avatar

Always be a gentleman. Don't ask for too much information. Do your research before deciding who to see.
+1 on what johnny said. P411 is the probably safest way to get started.
This is one of those dilemas like which came first...chicken or egg. Client doesn't have unlimited funds to work his way up to having numerous references...provider that client wants to spend time with requires references. Originally Posted by tinkers
Well Tinkers. First off your name makes me giggle, which is always a great start to a good time anytime a man can make a woman laugh. "Tinkers" sounds like a name Steve or Stan on American Dad would give their dog lol haha silly.

Q. Dilemma 1:
Chicken Or Egg
Which Came First
A. Egg

Q. Dilemma 2:
A. I don't rely heavily on provider references. I actually prefer to use other avenues of screening so that I can feel safe to come to your location as well as feeling safe when you come to my location.
Here are the things I will need to Screen you:
(1) DNA Blood Sample (Swab of mouth or Hair with follicle still attached is also permissible lol)
(2) Copy of Birth Certificate and Social Security Card (Fake woman's one works better with age being around 35-40 lol hee hee)
(3) Bank Account Numbers with Passwords (Overseas accounts preferred lol)
(4) Written Note (Notarized of course lol) stating I have permission to withdraw money out of said account(s) at any time

Just call or text me anytime so I can let you know how I screen. -meow-
Dahlia, glad you're starting to loosen up a little! I've still got the burns from the rings of fire you made me jump through.......but oh God! you made it SO worth the trouble! Tinkers, just do what she says, it'll be okay.

Well Tinkers. First off your name makes me giggle, which is always a great start to a good time anytime a man can make a woman laugh. "Tinkers" sounds like a name Steve or Stan on American Dad would give their dog lol haha silly.

Q. Dilemma 1:
Chicken Or Egg
Which Came First
A. Egg

Q. Dilemma 2:
A. I don't rely heavily on provider references. I actually prefer to use other avenues of screening so that I can feel safe to come to your location as well as feeling safe when you come to my location.
Here are the things I will need to Screen you:
(1) DNA Blood Sample (Swab of mouth or Hair with follicle still attached is also permissible lol)
(2) Copy of Birth Certificate and Social Security Card (Fake woman's one works better with age being around 35-40 lol hee hee)
(3) Bank Account Numbers with Passwords (Overseas accounts preferred lol)
(4) Written Note (Notarized of course lol) stating I have permission to withdraw money out of said account(s) at any time

Just call or text me anytime so I can let you know how I screen. -meow-
Originally Posted by Urban Dahlia
JRLawrence's Avatar
Well Tinkers. First off your name makes me giggle, which is always a great start to a good time anytime a man can make a woman laugh. "Tinkers" sounds like a name Steve or Stan on American Dad would give their dog lol haha silly.

Q. Dilemma 1:
Chicken Or Egg
Which Came First
A. Egg

Q. Dilemma 2:
A. I don't rely heavily on provider references. I actually prefer to use other avenues of screening so that I can feel safe to come to your location as well as feeling safe when you come to my location.
Here are the things I will need to Screen you:
(1) DNA Blood Sample (Swab of mouth or Hair with follicle still attached is also permissible lol)
(2) Copy of Birth Certificate and Social Security Card (Fake woman's one works better with age being around 35-40 lol hee hee)
(3) Bank Account Numbers with Passwords (Overseas accounts preferred lol)
(4) Written Note (Notarized of course lol) stating I have permission to withdraw money out of said account(s) at any time

Just call or text me anytime so I can let you know how I screen. -meow-
Originally Posted by Urban Dahlia

Scares me!

GiveMeLibertyOrGiveMeHead's Avatar
Q. Dilemma 2:
A. I don't rely heavily on provider references. I actually prefer to use other avenues of screening so that I can feel safe to come to your location as well as feeling safe when you come to my location.
Here are the things I will need to Screen you:
(1) DNA Blood Sample (Swab of mouth or Hair with follicle still attached is also permissible lol)
(2) Copy of Birth Certificate and Social Security Card (Fake woman's one works better with age being around 35-40 lol hee hee)
(3) Bank Account Numbers with Passwords (Overseas accounts preferred lol)
(4) Written Note (Notarized of course lol) stating I have permission to withdraw money out of said account(s) at any time

Originally Posted by Urban Dahlia
I'm glad you are teasing, but I had had providers ask for just as personal stuff, (Ok maybe not a DNA sample). I understand your need to protect yourself and had no problem finding providers that do screening I could live with until I had a few references in my pocket.

As far as P411 goes, I am way to paranoid and have done too much to keep my real life and my hobby separate to willingly give my personal information to any public site that ties me directly to my hobby. I realize that all this can be traced back to my IP Address and ultimately back to me, (in that case everything I have written is lies and bullshit and I have never done anything illegal in my life) but it is much more likely that a provider will get busted with peoples real numbers, names and personal info on their phones and computers and or written down on paper, (who does that anymore though).

That being said, I have always used phones that aren't tied to me, a made up name and have never given out anything to tie me to me and that has worked for me so far. If that means that I would never be able to see you...then so be it. My piece of mind, (no matter how realistic) is much more important.
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GiveMeLibertyOrGiveMeHead's Avatar
Q. Dilemma 1:
Chicken Or Egg
Which Came First
A. Egg
Originally Posted by Urban Dahlia
Technically, egg laying animals existed way before chickens did, so the answer to that question, (if you took it literally) would be the egg.

Now if you happen to ignore logic and facts and believe in creation then you almost always would say the chicken came first. Anyone with any intelligence though, (sorry to you believers...just busting your balls) would realize that if the chicken evolved from whatever it was before it was a chicken and those animals DNA combined to create a chicken egg...then the chicken egg would have had to come first.

The more important question is what tastes better...the chicken or the chicken egg?