massive leak on eccie and white knights

I recieved a call last night and was read the riot act and basically told to watch my back due to someone that has premium access or allowing others access and leaking my post from the men's only area. I was also asked to apolgize and retract my statement.

I know i have been a wk in the past for a few ladies, but not to the point it puts someones life in harms way or affects their lively hood.

I am sorry and apologize to those that were affected by someone leaking or allowing access to private info. If i wanted that post public i would have posted in co-ed.

The damage has been done, and cannot but be undone. All i ask is that you think before putting other peoples lives at risk, that had nothing to do with the private info posted in the mens lounge.

I stand behind my post and will not retract nor apologize for it.

To those affected please accept my humbelest apology and forgive me for the leaking of info.

Modda, Adeptus, Crypt Kicker or whoever is moderating, i hope this post is not in violation. I just needed everyone to see the damage that can be caused by leaking private info.
pmdelites's Avatar
grizzly, sorry that you're having a less than deliteful week.
this kind of shit causes undue worrying and distress, something that we are attempting to "escape" or get away from when we participate in this sub-culture.
hopefully you'll be able to realize it is about them and not you.
and hope you get some good nights sleep!!

peace be with you!!!

so, who called you and read you the riot act?
a provider, a client, a mod, the owners, vice squad, bill clinton?

seriously, it can be a pain in the ass when someone shares "private" information.
but it would help to know who called you so we'll know that "fact" about them and be able to take that into consideration if we want to interact w/ that person.

unless of course you just wanted to remind folks not to share "private" information.
pmdelites's Avatar
I am sorry and apologize to those that were affected by someone leaking or allowing access to private info.
I stand behind my post and will not retract nor apologize for it.

To those affected please accept my humbelest apology and forgive me for the leaking of info. Originally Posted by Grizzly
i also send positive energies who have been affected by the leaking of "private" info.

however, since you didnt leak the info, i dont think you need to be forgiven for the actions someone else took when they leaked it.

long-term, i doubt the leaker will get anything long-lasting out of this.
just look at edward snowden.
Now we know who gave Snowden their access to NSA files.
You are not only correct but have every right to post whatever you like in private. I tend to believe it's ladies and management with access to mens lounge versus wk's. Its management acting as clients and doing reviews on their ladies. Sure, there are wk's but if you was read word for word by a provider what you posted in ml then obviously she is sitting there staring right at the mens private lounge and what is posted. If the provider is threatening you, place a damn alert on her dumbass. Cut off all contact with her. And who was affected??? Its her drama and if she is attempting to include other people in her drama, that will be easily noticed by anyone on here and nobody wants a part of that mess. I wouldn't apologize in public for anything I posted in private sweetie. Her snooping around in ml definitely doesn't warrant her an apology. Shit, that's what she gets. If she doesn't like what was said about her in the private ml, then follow the rules and stay the hell out of places she shouldn't be.

I dont even want to know or even care about what might be being said about me in private. Guess that's why I have no desire to try to create fake accounts and see.
grizzly, sorry that you're having a less than deliteful week.
this kind of shit causes undue worrying and distress, something that we are attempting to "escape" or get away from when we participate in this sub-culture.
hopefully you'll be able to realize it is about them and not you.
and hope you get some good nights sleep!!

peace be with you!!!

so, who called you and read you the riot act?
a provider, a client, a mod, the owners, vice squad, bill clinton?

seriously, it can be a pain in the ass when someone shares "private" information.
but it would help to know who called you so we'll know that "fact" about them and be able to take that into consideration if we want to interact w/ that person.

unless of course you just wanted to remind folks not to share "private" information. Originally Posted by pmdelites

Pm i was called by the person who the private post was about. A provider
You have no reason to apologize. That is a PRIVATE area and if she didn't want to be offended she shouldn't have read it. And the male/wk/manager whoever it is that leaked the info should have his access to the mens lounge suspended.
Thanks Gemma
Stiffy008's Avatar
Looks like it's time for the mods to start an inquiry, and get to the bottom of the leak and plug it ASAP.
I will keep my eyes open to see who gets banned.
Now it's a wait and see game.
Mr. Crowley's Avatar
You have no reason to apologize. That is a PRIVATE area and if she didn't want to be offended she shouldn't have read it. And the male/wk/manager whoever it is that leaked the info should have his access to the mens lounge suspended. Originally Posted by DestinyInKC
Thank you sweetie, your a real peach. Happy V-D Destiny
The trash that gave you a hard time will get their share of shit soon.
The trash that gave you a hard time will get their share of shit soon. Originally Posted by bigryan222
Lmao! Oh now I feel like I wasted my time typing up my lengthy response when this was all that needed to be said.
Johnny4455's Avatar
Grizzly... You will be just fine. My advice is to stop discussing this in any way. Pm. Text. Coed . ml. If anyone contacts you about this don't respond. If you get a call hangup.

This is an example of why we don't try to help providers... In my opinion.

You will be fine, but the more you talk about it the more you are fanning the fire.

I don't consider this a massive leak. You should know that everything in mens lounge is not really private.

I like that aspect of the men's lounge. Ican say things that an escort won't be able to admit they saw. ..but I know they will hear about it... At least certain escorts

Grizzly.. Don't worry. But you have to let this go. Don't try to find the source of a leak. It will cause you more trouble
Stiffy008's Avatar
It's fun to play with the young girls, but they come with drama, and some scary ass friends / management.
We have seen many girls fall pray to pushy pimps, and how they keep their girls working 24/7, as they give them stuff we can't discuss on here. Starts with a @and ends with @$@&

We all feel sorry for them and want to help. But we can only make it worse, because we aren't prepared for what we started.

Don't worry, the mods have a way to find out things that happen on here, and who the person that leaked the information posted in the ML.
Which should be a big no no.

Removed references to prohibited terms. M