COVID-19 Precautions

With the big spike in virus cases, are you finding the providers taking good precautions - masks, clean sheets, sanitizers? Which places in town and Lawrence seem to be doing the best job. Both Kansas and Missouri have had sizable increases lately, even though most publicity has been down South. I’ve thought about taking my own large towel to put on the table, but don’t want to over react.
cmore197474's Avatar
I would say if you are a high risk individual maybe, but if that's the case should probably stay home.
Staying home and avoiding the hobby al together unless you have a trusted sb/utr is pretty advisable. Other suggestions I would make are avoiding hotels, high volume providers and AMPs all together (unless you know they are replacing sheets between customers / sanitizing / wearing masks. Which is doubtful.).

Personally I’m laying low but may consider making an exception if situations arise that check all my safety boxes. Things are on the rise in the area and it looks like it’s going to get much worse before it gets better especially with schools opening back up soon.
I went to a trusted source early in the first phase. We discussed what we both needed to do to be as safe as possible. Even then, I was uneasy because there’s no way to guard against it completely. It only takes one person to come to the shop to create havoc on others. And boy, what most people go through who get the virus (now 20-30 year olds) is horrible. Plus, the issue of tracking. I don’t want my provider to have to tell them I was there. And I don’t want to tell them either. That can kiss discretion goodbye. I don’t want my family and friends having to get tested because I went to an AMP.

I guess at some point we have to decide if the “release” is worth the risk. Must admit, I miss the hobby.
Same here. I sure miss going but I'm not going to risk going to an AMP and suffering maybe not only COVID-19 but the embarrassment of tracking. Of course, if I have COVID-19, maybe I won't care at that point. But right now, I work from home and I don't go anywhere or engage with others unless absolutely necessary. It's a sorry state but the only way to be safe. It was risky enough before sometimes but now it's just out of control.
Bkbird650's Avatar
We're KC. These posts are intelligent. On the world side, some ah is making noise about the pandemic being a myth propagated by one party. God.....the STUPID, it burns.
They haven’t changed anything, but the staff seems older, and some prices went up.
If you go to an Asian spa, have your wife hold a black light to your back, so you can see all the other guys that have laid on the same towel.
They haven’t changed anything, but the staff seems older, and some prices went up.
If you go to an Asian spa, have your wife hold a black light to your back, so you can see all the other guys that have laid on the same towel. Originally Posted by KCwildbill
Have her hold the light up to your face where all the other guys have be breathing into the face holes. Those paper towel covers don’t cover anything - and the face hole presents the most risk. At least take some sanitizer so you can wipe down the whole before you stick you face in it. And just plain ask them for a clean towel.
How are they going to track you?
Depends on if the worker knows you ( do you use your phone when you call them?)
If you find out then worker is infected, do you want your family to know they are at risk (why are you self/quarantining for 2 weeks?)
If you’re the one infected, I would hope you care enough about shops you visited, you’d want them to know.
There can be other circumstances, but the main one is do you give a damn about other people who become at risk of spreading a very serious illness to even more people?