Coming to a Theater Near You

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Watch sneak preview!! This should be a great--movie and will be in
theaters right before November mid-term elections!!

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one of the best I have seen
Remember, remember, the 2nd of November!
  • Stag
  • 09-07-2010, 10:25 AM
Does anyone remember when was the last time we were actually paying DOWN the federal debt, instead of inflating it up? It was right before newly-elected president George W. Bush proudly declared that "deficits don't matter" (quoting Ronald W. Reagan), and that we had to do something about the "dangerous" federal surplus by enacting huge tax cuts that favored the richest 2% of our country at the expense of my children and grandchildren.

Read your history with an eye to facts, not just right-wing sloganeering, people.
ccsotex's Avatar
Does anyone remember when was the last time we were actually paying DOWN the federal debt, instead of inflating it up? It was right before newly-elected president George W. Bush proudly declared that "deficits don't matter" (quoting Ronald W. Reagan), and that we had to do something about the "dangerous" federal surplus by enacting huge tax cuts that favored the richest 2% of our country at the expense of my children and grandchildren.

Read your history with an eye to facts, not just right-wing sloganeering, people. Originally Posted by Stag
Wow Stag, I guess you leave no doubt where you stand on the issue. I challenge you to name one single federal government funded program that has ever expanded our economy and put money in people's pockets that was not a government hand out. I work hard for my money and don't appreicate that it is taken from me to fund health insurance and unemployment for people that are in this country illegally. (amoung other things)

We need less government from our politicians regardless of their party affliliation. I will vote for the monkey in the Elvis suit in the Chrysler commercial if he will cut federal spending, eliminate or cut back most welfare programs and let me keep more of my money. If you like paying taxes, more power to you, you can pay them voluntarily. This country was founded and made great by people 'on the right', it is the people on left that are leading us to socialism and not where I (and apparently the majority of other clear thinkers in this country - just watch the November elections) want to go.

Besides all that, this forum is for humor. If you don't like the humor, don't read it.