Anybody this dumb shouldn't be a justice.

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  • Devo
  • 06-30-2022, 05:47 PM

She warns the east coast is going to be submerged under water soon, seriously?

AOC, an idiot bartender, I get it, being this dumb, but a justice on the SCOTUS?

Now that we have Jumanji Jackson, who was chosen only for the color of her skin, the left is now three minority women, all chosen for one thing, their race or minority status.

SO, with that being the only thing required of them, how stupid are the dissents going to be for the next decade?
Justices shouldn't be a life long position. Just like how there are too many old fucks running the government.

Every 4 years the president should be able to appoint one new justice, and the oldest justice would then need to retire. Except if a justice dies, we would only get one new justice every four years.

That way there is no 'oh its an election year we can't appoint a new justice!' shit.

That way there are Staff edit The Dr serving

That way there are no dinosaurs who mentally expired before a 1945 MRE did.

They also need to stop using issues for political leverage. There are problems, yes. Undeniably that there are problems. Lawmakers need to work to FIX those problems. Not just point out that there are problems. Fucking useless
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LOL Staff edit The Dr Go ahead, call him what you really want to call him.
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That way there are no Staff edit The Dr

Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Thanks for showing your true racist colors
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