Tough words. What do you think?
"To the student of history, as contrasted with the doctrinaire positivistic reformer, it seems that people are decent, when they are decent, chiefly out of habit. They fall into habits of decent conduct by religious instruction, by settled family life, by assuming private responsibilities, by the old incentives of private gain and advancement in rewards for decent conduct. When the individual seems to run no risks: when food, shelter, and even comforts are guaranteed by the state, no matter what one's conduct may be; when the state arrogates to itself a complex of responsibilities that formerly were undertaken by church, family, voluntary association, and the private person - why, then the old habits of decency are weakened, and the police constable and the Borstal are required to maintain precariously by compulsion what once was taken for granted in Britain and elsewhere."
- Russel Kirk, 'The Sword of Imagination'
I think he nails it. What say you?