His & Hers opportunities

My GF endorses (and sometimes shares in) the hobby. We are always looking for L1 activity for either of us, or both in same or separate rooms.

If anyone knows any subamps near north dallas/richardson/plano where ladies can also have a little fun by male or female provider.

And, are there any nail salons where I can have a little L1 fun in the back while she has her nails done?

I'm not premium, so cannot see ROS or hidden, so either post publicly, or DM me please.
vigilant17's Avatar
This question gets posed regularly, you might search on the word "wife". Historically, there isn't a lot being advertised. Good luck, I'm listening ;-)
This question gets posed regularly, you might search on the word "wife". Historically, there isn't a lot being advertised. Good luck, I'm listening ;-) Originally Posted by vigilant17
Searching "wife" in here, or in Dallas forum and subforums above this, doesn't bring up anything similar to this topic. At least not for me. Lots of "wife experience" like posts or providers being called wife, etc.
I believe couples is the key word to search for. I don't think much ever comes to fruit from all the conversation. There may have been one recommendation for a place called Charm.