International SexWorker Rights Day - March 3

I just want to bring sex worker rights to the attention of everyone and the need for decriminalization of sex work. You can find out more on and in this article
James1588's Avatar
I just want to bring sex worker rights to the attention of everyone and the need for decriminalization of sex work. You can find out more on and in this article Originally Posted by River Song
^^^^^ +1000. At least.

How anyone can accord any credence to what our lawfakers have to say about right and wrong, when they, taken as a class, are the most notorious liars, cheaters, thieves, and murderers to be found anywhere, is beyond understanding. And these clowns can -- and do, regularly -- put decent people in cages, at gunpoint. Today in particular, we should think particularly of a certain subset of those decent people: our sisters who are doing sex work.
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
I'm a hobby virgin and looking forward to my first date. It seems that screening would simplify and improve the screening process. Fear of undercover clients would no longer be an issue. STDs could be tracked and controlled more efficiently and effectively. Client provider social events would be possible.

So, lets have a Happy Hooker Day.
James1588's Avatar
[QUOTE=PsychedelicDog;105787689 2 ... It seems that screening would simplify and improve the screening process. ... [/QUOTE]

joesmo888's Avatar
in parts of Nevada its already legal yet guys and gals still break the law anyway because its cheaper and more anonymous that way. right?
in parts of Nevada its already legal yet guys and gals still break the law anyway because its cheaper and more anonymous that way. right? Originally Posted by joesmo888
Rest of states need to be Nevada brothels.No screening in legal business....Illegal everyone's at risks.
joesmo888's Avatar
Rest of states need to be Nevada brothels.No screening in legal business....Illegal everyone's at risks. Originally Posted by Fancylady
would it matter? you would still have streetwalkers, bp providers, etc. wouldn't change a thing. a lot of guys would rather spend $80 on a bp chick then visit a brothel. or go on here and pay $$ for an hour. and they would still be breaking the law. a brothel is too business like and something that is over priced in the internet age where you can go online and hook up with someone within minutes
would it matter? you would still have streetwalkers, bp providers, etc. wouldn't change a thing. a lot of guys would rather spend $80 on a bp chick then visit a brothel. or go on here and pay $$ for an hour. and they would still be breaking the law. a brothel is too business like and something that is over priced in the internet age where you can go online and hook up with someone within minutes Originally Posted by joesmo888
All levels sex workers for paid time.Sex workers discriminate on each others. I wish all states make business legal.
We do not want "legalization" - we want "decriminalization". The govt doesn't need to be in the sheets with us.
joesmo888's Avatar
We do not want "legalization" - we want "decriminalization". The govt doesn't need to be in the sheets with us. Originally Posted by River Song
boom. this is exactly right

PsychedelicMut's Avatar
I'm a hobby virgin and looking forward to my first date. It seems that screening would simplify and improve the screening process. Fear of undercover clients would no longer be an issue. STDs could be tracked and controlled more efficiently and effectively. Client provider social events would be possible.

So, lets have a Happy Hooker Day. Originally Posted by PsychedelicDog
????? Originally Posted by James1588
As I said, LE wouldn't be an issue. Hobbyists might be less concerned about providing screening information. Statements like in my signature wouldn't be necessary. I'll admit those statements may be folly anyway, but they make me feel like I have some level of defense.
James1588's Avatar
As I said, LE wouldn't be an issue. Hobbyists might be less concerned about providing screening information. Statements like in my signature wouldn't be necessary. I'll admit those statements may be folly anyway, but they make me feel like I have some level of defense. Originally Posted by PsychedelicDog
I guess what I was having trouble understanding was the sentence (in the post I responded to), "It seems that screening would simplify and improve the screening process." Don't really see how screening simplifies the screening process. I'm guessing you might have intended to say that decriminalization would simplify screening ... if so, I'd agree.
We do not want "legalization" - we want "decriminalization". The govt doesn't need to be in the sheets with us. Originally Posted by River Song

As for Nevada laws, brothels are legal in any county that has a population of under 100,000. Prostitution outside of the supervision of a brothel is not. That leaves Clark County (Las Vegas) out by a long shot and its a huge county geographically... So in part, its a convenience thing. But also, speaking for myself at least, I don't want someone else telling me what Im worth, what to do, with whom and then taking a cut out of any $$ I was paid to do it. I already pay taxes on everything I make, thats enough... I value my independence and sexuality too damn much to hand over the reigns to anyone else... And that includes the government.
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
I guess what I was having trouble understanding was the sentence (in the post I responded to), "It seems that screening would simplify and improve the screening process." Don't really see how screening simplifies the screening process. I'm guessing you might have intended to say that decriminalization would simplify screening ... if so, I'd agree. Originally Posted by James1588
You are correct. I apologize for the confusion. My mind must have been scrambled, again.
Eden Reign's Avatar
We do not want "legalization" - we want "decriminalization". The govt doesn't need to be in the sheets with us. Originally Posted by River Song
+ 1 Agreed!!!