Does it ever end??

BabyDallass's Avatar
I dont understand and wont understand why there is so much drama on this site?

I have nothing against any provider on here or hobbiest, and have not said anything in regards to what is floating in the air as it`s new hit of gossip this week for EC, And It`s a JOKE! I thought we are supposed to all help eachother to be safe and stay out of mess, not stir up mess every week! Its needs to STOP!! We should be posting threads about, important infromation that will help us be better, not all this immature he say, she say and words getting exchanged through 2nd and 3 parties. I dont beleive in gossip and never will. That is something I left in high school...And I also know one that gossips with you , will gossip about you...Sad but True. I just hate that rumours and gossip is all that ECCIE is known for and not known for safety and resource purposes. Isn`t that the whole point in this site?? Or am I missing something?? HELP!! Because this ECCIE drama is getting too crazy!
Industry chosen not so much unlike others. Rumor and innuendo abound. Truth found as often between lines as elsewhere. Learn as much as possible because own counsel is safest. Choose friends wisely, and count your change.
Might also add, drama always most serious to actors in play.
  • MrGiz
  • 01-22-2011, 09:26 AM
A word of caution and advice...

Just be careful what type of mudd you sling.... it tends to splatter and get all over the place!!
It also helps to know WTF you're talking about!!

Indeed. It stops when you stop it.
BabyDallass's Avatar
I wish I could post my PMs that I have from someone where my words got twisted around and picked apart....That is not right. Please there are 2 sides to every story, I heard through the grapevive the infromation I do have and I dont beleive ABYTHING I hear, Which I guess not everyone is like me.
mssassy's Avatar
Dallas Sorry but the sad truth drama , gossip is a part of the hobby. The very ones who say they dont do . You know that as well as I do. Just keep to your morals dont lower yourself to the level of those who do indulge in drama , gossip , backbiting etc Those who truly act like ladies behind closed doors and out in public and who do not do the gossip etc will always prosper in the end...
  • MrGiz
  • 01-22-2011, 10:26 AM
Sad to say it.... but sometimes, it's best to quit while you're behind!

It's odd that you'd post a thread about not wanting any more drama in the situation. Do you really want to drag it all out in public and rehash it with all these people who have nothing to do with it?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
* 1
Mr. Chan could you remind us of an old proverb. . . .

He who carries sack of shit must be careful not to bump into someone . . .
IIIII's Avatar
  • 01-22-2011, 12:37 PM
I've found the site to be much more enjoyable to just sit back and let the shit talkers do the shit talking. Its the same people in the drama threads throwing their 2 cents in thinking people really give a shit about the diarrhea that spews from their mouths.

You are either here to sell your pussy or to purchase that pussy for an hour. Most of the board doesn't give a shit about who said what or needs to hear your asinine comments about how better of a provider you are than the next. Keep the high school drama off the boards.
  • MrGiz
  • 01-22-2011, 12:49 PM
I've found the site to be much more enjoyable to just sit back and let the shit talkers do the shit talking. Its the same people in the drama threads throwing their 2 cents in thinking people really give a shit about the diarrhea that spews from their mouths.

You are either here to sell your pussy or to purchase that pussy for an hour. Most of the board doesn't give a shit about who said what or needs to hear your asinine comments about how better of a provider you are than the next. Keep the high school drama off the boards. Originally Posted by IIIII
Thanks for jumping in!!
...Don't feed the trolls, fan the flames, or violate guidelines.

No more warnings.

mssassy's Avatar
Hey here is a suggestion and huck i hope this isnt violating anything ugh if I am so sorry...

Challenge for each provider and hobbyist that choses to stir up drama on the boards and gossip about another provider and hobbyist. They should have to donate $100 for each comment to a worthy cause in Arkansas such as MADD or battered womens shelter or perhaps to ACH , or the McDonalds house in honor of the hobby. Of course there is no way to monitor it but hey its a thought... and it would do some good...
Isn't this gossip about hearing gossip from someone else that was gossiping about gossip they heard?

as long as there are women competing for attention (i.e $$$ and men)..there will be gossip.. circle of life (insert theme music from lion king)