Sindi from Syracuse n.y Hello Dallas!!

sin.di.vine's Avatar
Hello Dallas!! My name is Sindi and I am from upstate n.y.

I am suffering from cabin fever an entire two months early!!.. and feel very snowed in ..!!

I have posted in 3 other cities in Texas this week..i guess I'm what we say "feeling you out " ..

I am planning my Texas trip with 2 other VP's from upstate as well..i decided to post in a few of the Texas cities thinking the response would decide this for me..decide where to go..but the warm welcome from all ..has made deciding on one city

I guess what I am wondering is does Dallas have a spot for a mature 50 year old with a 30 year olds energy!!

Let me know what your thoughts are..i prefer to text or actually speaking to one another.. over inbox mail.. but I am diligently checking more often..,315 807-2870 Is my safe provider number .. or post will be seen.. looking forward to your response.. and be am older.. and I am sensitive. 💋

Signed: snowed in Sindi from Syracuse!!
Chung Tran's Avatar
bring your old ass to Dallas, and I'll hit you up in a New York minute.

signed: Time Traveler Tran from Transylvania
Sancha Searcher's Avatar
I prefer the classics over the new body style cars and women.
I would love to lease the ride for an hour or so.
sin.di.vine's Avatar
LOL!!! That's awesome!! I like you chung!!. keep it real... thank you for the text as well..see you soon lover!!��
sin.di.vine's Avatar
Oh my my!! The way with words that you gentlemen possess is very very .impressive.. and fun.. sexy.. and Made my spine trust me that's good!!..

I look forward to hearing more via text from all of you .. ladies included.. any shred of advice from where to stay.. where not to stay.. who plays nice and who plays naughty..ANYTHING you offer will be helpful.. thank you very very Much!! .��
LindseyLacey's Avatar
love New York...
I am 50 and fit...
Dallas is good to me...
DFW airport area here...
ladies are always invited for tea...
  • MRMR
  • 01-18-2018, 01:48 PM
Bring it.
I am in.
sin.di.vine's Avatar
LINDSEY!!! hot mama!!! What an I gonna do with you?!! You are absolutely beautiful!!!
And hey guys could always use camera man LOL!!! .. I'm teasing.. not..315 807-2870. LINDSEY or any other nice lady or gentleman.. text me!!!
I'm starting to really dig Dallas!!!
Come on down...bring a Heid's Coney or two, some Dinosaur Barbecue and a sammy from The Brooklyn Pickle...and you'll be good to go!
sin.di.vine's Avatar
BILLY!!!!!??..holy shit!!! Did you grow up in syracuse??. Everything you just named is are landmarks!! our claim to fame!!! Heids!! Brooklyn Pickle !!!Dinosaur BBQ!!! wow I think I will when I come down I'm going to bring you something from all of those places don't forget about one of the bakeries DiLauro's . or I can't remember the name of the other one me Billy!!
Let's just say I know my way around there pretty good! LOL Columbus Bakery is my fave, on Pearl Street.
Come to Dallas and come to Daddy. I will meet you at the first stop light and we can run out the 24 second shot clock. We cant cruise the Erie canal but we can soak in my Jacuzzi tub. Then we can make our own Mutoscope videos for just the two of us to watch.
And before I let you go I will take you to Cavandars for your own set of boots so you be styling. You look like a fun spunky lady.
sin.di.vine's Avatar
Hey Lip.. your message is very interesting to me..315 807-2870.. that is my safe phone number I believe the one thing that you're talking about.. the video thingy.. is that like a virtual reality type video? Lol..
Can someone disifer his message for me?
Used to deliver 220 Herald-Americans every week in my youth years ago....bring it and you will do well.
pmdelites's Avatar
so where's the accent/emphasis - sin.di vine or sin di.vine??

either way, your pics and review precede you!!
pls do let us know when you leave the frozen north for balmy dallas. we will welcum you with hot lips, hands, and cocks :^}