Obamanomics lesson

Toolman's Avatar
LittleSpike's Avatar
Bravo ! Someone who gets the bullsh*t that the politicians spew.

BTW, here is a little note I sent to some of my friends:

The Children and the Chewing Gum
Imagine, if you will, 10 children in a room, each wanting some chewing gum. You have a pack of gum (5 sticks), so you give each child 1/2 a stick of gum, and everyone is happy. Now 10 more children arrive, and they want gum too. Now you can divide the gum among the 20 children, but each child will only get 1/4 of a stick. But suppose one child says, "I should get as much as the kids were getting before", so you have to either take gum away from the first group to give to the new group, or you have to get more gum. Now substitute Health Care for gum, and The American People for children (ironic isn't it ?), and you'll see our current predicament. Unless you can acquire more gum (doctors, nurses, hospitals, clinics, etc.) the gum that each child receives is going to be less. Now let's complicate this a little more by saying that the first group of children have to pay 5 cents for their half stick of gum, but the new group only have to pay 2 cents. But, if they don't want to pay the 2 cents, you're going to take it out of their allowances and punish them if they don't buy gum. That, my friends is the new Health Care Law, and you wonder why the kids are PISSED. The only people who like this situation are the people selling gum (the big insurance companies). So the next time someone tells you how great Obamacare is going to be, offer them a stick of gum.

Next time you want change, be specific.
Bravo ! Someone who gets the bullsh*t that the politicians spew.

BTW, here is a little note I sent to some of my friends:

The Children and the Chewing Gum
Imagine, if you will, 10 children in a room, each wanting some chewing gum. You have a pack of gum (5 sticks), so you give each child 1/2 a stick of gum, and everyone is happy. Now 10 more children arrive, and they want gum too. Now you can divide the gum among the 20 children, but each child will only get 1/4 of a stick. But suppose one child says, "I should get as much as the kids were getting before", so you have to either take gum away from the first group to give to the new group, or you have to get more gum. Now substitute Health Care for gum, and The American People for children (ironic isn't it ?), and you'll see our current predicament. Unless you can acquire more gum (doctors, nurses, hospitals, clinics, etc.) the gum that each child receives is going to be less. Now let's complicate this a little more by saying that the first group of children have to pay 5 cents for their half stick of gum, but the new group only have to pay 2 cents. But, if they don't want to pay the 2 cents, you're going to take it out of their allowances and punish them if they don't buy gum. That, my friends is the new Health Care Law, and you wonder why the kids are PISSED. The only people who like this situation are the people selling gum (the big insurance companies). So the next time someone tells you how great Obamacare is going to be, offer them a stick of gum.

LS Originally Posted by LittleSpike
Well, except that all Americans already have access to health care. There is no need for more doctors or nurses than we're currently training to care for people who will suddenly have access to health care.

The real problem, which has been largely unaddressed by anyone of any political party, is how we as a society are going to pay for health care. Are we going to pay our taxes towards the emergency room visits for people without health insurance? Or are we going to force insurers to give affordable options so that there is greater access to preventative medicine? This is the problem that's been unanswered by Mr. Obama, as well as his critics.

The reality is that health insurance is incredibly expensive. Most employers pay a high percentage, which is why those who have insurance through employers don't see the total cost. But if those rates declined, employers would be able to pay higher wages. This is good for everyone. Well, except insurance companies. And that's the rub. Insurance companies have such powerful lobbies that they convince the American people, and the politicians to enact reform (such as tort reform) that supposedly will help everyone, but will actually help ONLY insurance companies.
Sa_artman's Avatar
Sour grapes. It's law. That's what happens when you don't have enough votes. Gotta love Democracy.
I really do hope that all of the "middle of the roaders" who fell for the Hope and Change thing have come to their senses.

All of the Health Care Reform is not that at all. It is Health Care Insurance Reform. This Reform is like all pie in the sky Government mandates, those that work will pay for those that do not.

I do have one Question. If this all goes through, can we shut down the tax payer supported County Hospitol Districts? Afterall, if everybody has Health Care Insurance, what do we need them for. The vast majority of those who use that system, (mostly for free), will have the Government, (you and I), paying for their care at the better facilities.
And what will they do? Vote for McCain? I certainly hope everyone comes to their senses and votes for Ron Paul in 2012...otherwise, it is pretty much Hopeless and without Change.

I really do hope that all of the "middle of the roaders" who fell for the Hope and Change thing have come to their senses.

All of the Health Care Reform is not that at all. It is Health Care Insurance Reform. This Reform is like all pie in the sky Government mandates, those that work will pay for those that do not.

I do have one Question. If this all goes through, can we shut down the tax payer supported County Hospitol Districts? Afterall, if everybody has Health Care Insurance, what do we need them for. The vast majority of those who use that system, (mostly for free), will have the Government, (you and I), paying for their care at the better facilities. Originally Posted by Jackie S
LittleSpike's Avatar
Well, except that all Americans already have access to health care. There is no need for more doctors or nurses than we're currently training to care for people who will suddenly have access to health care.

The real problem, which has been largely unaddressed by anyone of any political party, is how we as a society are going to pay for health care. Are we going to pay our taxes towards the emergency room visits for people without health insurance? Or are we going to force insurers to give affordable options so that there is greater access to preventative medicine? This is the problem that's been unanswered by Mr. Obama, as well as his critics.

The reality is that health insurance is incredibly expensive. Most employers pay a high percentage, which is why those who have insurance through employers don't see the total cost. But if those rates declined, employers would be able to pay higher wages. This is good for everyone. Well, except insurance companies. And that's the rub. Insurance companies have such powerful lobbies that they convince the American people, and the politicians to enact reform (such as tort reform) that supposedly will help everyone, but will actually help ONLY insurance companies. Originally Posted by Like You Hate Me
The real problem is that the Obamacare bill was authored by the large insurance companies (of course their lobbyists pretended they were against it). What a windfall (30 to 40 million new customers who have to buy health insurance, or be fined or jailed), they be laughing all the way to the bank (owned by their fellow crooks, the bankers). America has the largest prison population in the world, the problem is the wrong people are in jail (we should start with Al Gore, Henry Paulson and Timothy Geithner).

O'Mike's Avatar
Hitler was elected to power by popular vote, in a democratic election. Took more than a few years for that country to get over that mistake.
LittleSpike's Avatar
Sour grapes. It's law. That's what happens when you don't have enough votes. Gotta love Democracy. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
WRONG, that's what happens when you have a government (Democrats and Republicans) which is owned by Global elitists whose agenda is anti-American.

Obamacare was also voted on by Congress....Obama simply did what Congress wanted. So I guess the blame goes on Congress...DEMS and REPS. The REPS voted for the Stupak Amendment the first time, which allowed the bill to pass in the House.

You do know there is a reason why supports of Ron Paul are called Paultards, right??
The real problem is that the Obamacare bill was authored by the large insurance companies (of course their lobbyists pretended they were against it). What a windfall (30 to 40 million new customers who have to buy health insurance, or be fined or jailed), they be laughing all the way to the bank (owned by their fellow crooks, the bankers). America has the largest prison population in the world, the problem is the wrong people are in jail (we should start with Al Gore, Henry Paulson and Timothy Geithner).

LS Originally Posted by LittleSpike
Exactly my point. The insurance industry is sucking this nation dry. A few years ago, they persuaded the politicians and the American people (with more than a little help by the foolish and ignorant talk show hosts) that tort reform was needed. When that was passed, it didn't help the people, and it didn't help the doctors, but it was a great boom to the insurance industry. Now they are more profitable than ever. This health care reform is exactly the same line of thinking on a different product. It's not going to help the people (taxpayers or uninsured), nor will it help the medical community, but it will certainly help the insurance industry.

The biggest problem now, I think, is that some people actually believe that Mr. Obama is some left-wing radical, instead of realizing that he, like Mr. Clinton, is a pro-business politician who will talk about making things better for the people, but will really just make things better for his corporate sponsors. There is really no difference between the Republicans and the Democrats in that regard. And when people don't see that, they buy into this whole Coke v. Pepsi charade, just fueling profits (in this case, votes and donations) for both sides.
"A few years ago, they persuaded the politicians and the American people (with more than a little help by the foolish and ignorant talk show hosts) that tort reform was needed. When that was passed, it didn't help the people, and it didn't help the doctors, but it was a great boom to the insurance industry. Now they are more profitable than ever."

Hate me, you want to explain that a little better. When in the heck did tort reform pass on a national level??? It's passed on a few state levels, but there are by far more states that don't have any type of tort reform. As for profitability, The average profit margin for health insurers last year clocked in at 2.2%, in comparison, trial lawyers showed a profit margin of almost 14%.

You do know there is a reason why supports of Ron Paul are called Paultards, right?? Originally Posted by DocJon
And you know why non supporters of Ron Paul are called Freedom haters. Why is it that most Americans love Tyranny and hate Liberty?