Forms of Cummunication

I was wondering how many other men and how many ladies only communicate by PM on Eccie or by Gmail and not by phone. I have been with some ladies that is the only way they communicate. They won't give you their number. They do all communication by Gmail or PM.I am currently talking to a lady that is like that. Alyssa Cantrell. She posted back in August that she was coming to Wichita. It is the safe way to do it. Then you can't get the hell bugged out of you if you meet someone and then don't want to see them again.
Hobgoblin's Avatar
Lotta girls don't communicate well, guess their inbox is always full so they don't feel the need to.
JackJohnson's Avatar
Communication is a basic part of customer satisfaction, retention, setting good appointments, etc. Most providers, nearly ALL as a matter of fact, are not good at it. No one said you were getting marketing geniuses, or even basic competence... lol.

Many clients put more work into findings someone to give their money to, than the provider actually does trying to market themselves. It's sad. Lots of money left on the table, just read review comments (tried to get a hold of her, etc etc etc)

Most girls just want the green, how it happens for some of them is as random as what guy is willing to work hard enough to make a connection.

GPS, GPS... and no business sense.

Exceptions noted! I'm sure some of them will chime in, there are some who are really on top of things

tosh.o's Avatar
I try my best to juggle my RL obligations with that of my business. I tell all my guys, if im not working my line is off. And then i try to get back to you in a timely manner when im back to work. Honestly to me its not a matter of HOW we communicate, but more when im available to be reached. So for me, i like you all to know if im unresponsive its not personal lol im just unable to be available for that day