Questions about Breastmilk??

I just had my baby saturday and sum one sent me a message asking for breastmilk! Is that a venue I should consider or is it a waste o time. Do people really ask for breastmilk alot! Is that sumthing I should consider doing since Im going to be out of work for a little while or is it a waste of time! Asking providers and reviewers! Just curious!
Girl, i get that alot toooo.....

whats that phrase from Field of Dreams...."if you build it they will come"....well if you sell it they will buy it....i just have no idea what the donation would be for that.....hmmmm
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Girl, i get that alot toooo.....

whats that phrase from Field of Dreams...."if you build it they will come"....well if you sell it they will buy it....i just have no idea what the donation would be for that.....hmmmm Originally Posted by babydollsnow
I think it depend on how its delivered. If you hand someone a bottle, that should be one price.

If they drink it directly from the source, maybe a slightly higher price?
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Real Simple... run an ad saying you are lactating... see what response you get...

There was a provider on a previous board who promoted her lactation... she received some highly favorable reviews.
boardman's Avatar
I'm not as interested in the contents as much as I am the containers.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 08-17-2010, 12:56 PM
Baby, when you're ready to deliver some of that fresh milk "straight from the source", just call me - you've got my number.
well if i start producing milk anytime soon.....mine will def come right from the source!!!

I think it depend on how its delivered. If you hand someone a bottle, that should be one price.

If they drink it directly from the source, maybe a slightly higher price? Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
you know i will bbkid

Baby, when you're ready to deliver some of that fresh milk "straight from the source", just call me - you've got my number. Originally Posted by bbkid
Boardman, you crazy....these containers send an open invitation to you anytime

BTW Congrats on the delivery of the baby cutie_pie, if you need anything pls pm me
dearhunter's Avatar
I can tell you that the milkmaid was very does depend on you to some degree............naturally some activities need a rest for a while.........but, there is definitely a market.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 08-17-2010, 01:57 PM
well if i start producing milk anytime soon.....mine will def come right from the source!!!

you know i will bbkid Originally Posted by babydollsnow
Mmmmmmmmm. Waiting on the call, darlin.
Yes breastfeed!! Not only is it good for your baby, but it will be a boost for you in business!!! It is not a waste of time..more men than you can image love this. You might get some request for your milk in a bottle too. Go for it!
Yes breastfeed!! Not only is it good for your baby, but it will be a boost for you in business!!! It is not a waste of time..more men than you can image love this. You might get some request for your milk in a bottle too. Go for it! Originally Posted by Latina Bella

i heard that it makes your boobs flat and unattractive after you stop breastfeeding....
is that true???

i didnt breastfeed with my first child cause he simply didnt want it, but if the child im pregnant with now wants it and likes it, i wanna know what to expect later when i stop
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
i heard that it makes your boobs flat and unattractive after you stop breastfeeding....
is that true???

i didnt breastfeed with my first child cause he simply didnt want it, but if the child im pregnant with now wants it and likes it, i wanna know what to expect later when i stop Originally Posted by babydollsnow

As long as you are willing to show your nekkid breasts... men will show up...
proper's Avatar
I'm not as interested in the contents as much as I am the containers. Originally Posted by boardman
LMAO. I guess to each his own. i have tried the content from the containers directly and decided its not for me.

But I am definitely interested in BDS and Cutie_Pie''s containers once they done producing the contents.
yngtxn's Avatar
Mmm milk