To lead or not to lead?

notanewbie's Avatar
So ladies and gents what do you prefer. Do you like taking the lead in a session?

Leading ie: position choice, speed, language (reserved or not), aggressiveness.

Personally I like leading although some ladies have a particular skill set that lends itself to just go with the flow.
It depends on the gentleman's personality, some like to sit back just enjoy the ride. I love to lead. Most are pretty content with that. On occasion i have had a gentlemen who lets me know exactly what he wants, like a lion in command, i like that to.
boardman's Avatar
I like for the lady to lead for the most part. So I prefer someone a little aggressive.
carkido45's Avatar
I like to lead I'm Lion ROOOOOAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!.
I usually let her determine how things are gonna go. If she wants the reins, they're all hers. If she'd rather I take charge, I can do that too.
Htowner's Avatar
It is hard to figure out who led whom in a 3 minutes race.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
Wow, that's 1 longer than me.......................
ferdburf's Avatar
Well, I'm gonna embarass myself, but I'd rather not dance during a session. I just wanna fuck.