Thank you

Adabear's Avatar
I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to the men who have come before me on this site (pun intended) and the amazing Provider that I found. While it may not make me look very good, I though I would share the perspective of a former "newbie" in hopes it would help those to come and show my appreciation to those on this site. Here is what I am talking about:

I joined this site a few weeks ago. I tried to read every thread, review and ad to learn more about his hobby. I asked questions and listen to the advice that was given both to me directly and to others through the threads (well....most of it). It all led me to a beautiful Provider.

This well known Provider does not normally see Newbies but, through a alternate screening process she made an exception for me. (I know she may make exceptions for others but, I choose to believe her on this one.) Anyway, we met up this past Friday and I have officially entered the hobby!

While I do not plan a review (she has plenty and, to be honest, it was not my best performance), I do want her to know that because of her, my respect of Providers has gone even higher. I always knew these ladies work hard to make fantasies some true but, I never expected what actually happens.

Bottom line, I went to my first "date" freaking out a little. My nerves were shot thinking about everything that could go wrong. I was scared, nervous, excited and a million other things. She took the time to help me relax. She made me laugh. I guess she taught me what GFE really was. While I am sure what I went through is normal for a first timer, it was nice to find someone who too the time to put me at ease and ensured that I had a wonderful experience. I won't say her name here but, I hope she reads this and knows that I will be eternally grateful for her handling of the situation. (that and she is smoking hot with amazing skills).


To the Newbies........take the advice from the vets of the board and do your homework on the woman you choose

To the guys that have made Eccie what it is - You rock and thank you for sharing your experiences and advice

To the Providers - You are amazing women. Now that I see more of what all you do, I respect you even more

To "My" special Provider - Thank you for everything. You were amazing!

and now off to set up some more dates and reviews will follow! (I love this hobby!)
Why A Duck?'s Avatar
Now that's the way to do it. Excellent advice Adabear!
Captain Gus's Avatar
Very good read senior;
UTRLVR's Avatar
Adabear has class and style.
Sarunga's Avatar
Let me also join Adabear and thank the men who have come before me and all those lovely ladies who have made them come.

Yes, this board is an amazing place to be...which has considerably expanded my understanding of human nature.
Keep up the good work everybody!
Jack Flash's Avatar
Now that is a great thread
The G.O.A.T's Avatar
Dude, stop being such a kiss ass.

Ok... ok... Welcome to the hobby world. You've only seen the tip of the iceberg, though.
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 09-04-2011, 09:52 PM
glad you had a great time brother. sounds like a homerun on your first time at bat.

...the bad news is it can probably only go downhill from here
DarthMaul's Avatar
glad you had a great time brother. sounds like a homerun on your first time at bat.

...the bad news is it can probably only go downhill from here Originally Posted by Rezo
Damn Rezo...Stay around for a while. We need someone "scouting" in your area.

You're welcome Newb and if you are in Mo City, we are neighbors.
Wakeup's Avatar
You're welcome...
srvfin's Avatar
Dude.... She said you left your pocket protector there....
The G.O.A.T's Avatar
Dude.... She said you left your pocket protector there.... Originally Posted by srvfin
Actually that was MY pocket protector. He left his clip-on tie.
Adabear's Avatar
Thanks for the support of the thread guys. I just wanted to let you know that some newbies do try to pay attention. AND I did not want Wakeup to call me a

@Darth - Is it just me or do we need more providers in the Mo City area?
@Servin - Thanks for reminding me, I was looking for that tie
@GOAT - Are those stains on my ties from you?

2nd experience in the hobby. Just as good as the first. Review to follow.