How to Handle No Call \ No Shows

I have had alot of guys calling and scheduling appointments, but then not bothering to show or call. I have called several of these before the appointment to try to get a hold of them, but they never reply back.

If there a section to report guys that play this sort of game? I don't think it is proper to put in the alerts section, but this does end up costing all of us time and money, so I think there should be some way to report these kind of issues.


Laura Gayle
shorty's Avatar
What kinda screening you doing? Where are you advertising?
I can't offer any advice regarding this, but I am sorry that the discourteous actions of a few guys can potentially cast the rest of us in a bad light. You ladies deserve better than that.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
If you have Powder Room and Infoshare access, thats where that info goes.
burkalini's Avatar
I would share this with other providers if it's a repeating type thing. Anyone can have something come up ( especially if they are married) and not be able to answer or call back. I have had this happen from the providers side of it also. One three times and one twice. I made sure I made my fellow hobbyist aware of it.
I don't see the Powder Room or InfoShare anywhere on my screen, so I am guessing I don't have access. How would I gain access to those?
gimme_that's Avatar
Also if your screening requires refs......

Let his references know that he ncns you as well pending 1 to 2 days have passed and there seems to be no emergency.
So the cycle doesn't not continue lady to lady.
Contact one of the lady mod's. Elizabeth whisphers, Fawn, or Anita I think, and they should be able to explain what you need to do to get private access to the other areas. Also go to and register for provider access, if you're verified you shouldn't have any issues.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
some times things do come up and meetings never take place.

for me personally, of all the ladies i've seen, i've had to cancel 2 times in the last 10 years, and i will pay the lady for the appointment when i have to cancel.

this brings another question up, i've had ladies cancel on me and even want me to wait for them to see me. my time is just as valuable as the ladies, what do you ladies do to make this up to the clients?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
some times things do come up and meetings never take place.

for me personally, of all the ladies i've seen, i've had to cancel 2 times in the last 10 years, and i will pay the lady for the appointment when i have to cancel.

this brings another question up, i've had ladies cancel on me and even want me to wait for them to see me. my time is just as valuable as the ladies, what do you ladies do to make this up to the clients? Originally Posted by PAPA JOE
I think some of the ladies offer a make-up discounted session when they run late or have to cancel.

Why anyone who is concerned about their time and being prompt will agree to meet or even seek out those who have reputations for not following those protocols, is beyond me. Granted we all have things that come up....thats life and shouldn't be a continuous issue for most. Research is your friend...:-)
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I don't see the Powder Room or InfoShare anywhere on my screen, so I am guessing I don't have access. How would I gain access to those? Originally Posted by Laura Gayle
Laura, send an email request for access to
The lady Mods here run that entire show.