Public Service Anouncement--Lost pets

atxbrad's Avatar
This is just a feel good story for me that I thought I would share.

I left the house this evening at about 11:30 to run a errand and a Jack Russell Terrier ran across the street about 2 blocks down the road. I know that its 11:30 and the owners of this dog are probably sound asleep and no telling how far he will run through out the night.
I stop and call the dog over, check his coller, and call the number on it. Luckly the owner lived a few houses up and came right out to pick up his dog who had escaped during a potty break.

Just a reminder if you see something like a pet that is someplace that they shouldnt be, take a few minutes from your day and do the right thing.

I know I would be devistated if I lost my dog. Take the time and stop and call. You have no idea how much that means to a pet owner unless you have them.
I am glad to hear there are more people out in the urban wilderness willing to be different by trying to be helpfull. Kudos.
  • Paven
  • 06-18-2010, 08:55 PM
Thanks for caring, doing the right thing and posting this thread. It's a scary feeling to lose a pet, I'm sure those folks were appreciative.
smokeswithwolves's Avatar
I would like to thank you, atxbrad.

My dog is partly a certain breed that is used to hunt jackrabbits and run down antelope. He's quick, clever, and stubborn. He's gotten out several times and can end up a mile away in just a few minutes. Every time, I've been lucky enough that a kind person was not afraid of this giant (but friendly) beast and called me to pick him up.

It's crazy how attached you can get to a dog.
Brad you da MAN!!!!
Taurus99's Avatar
nice job atxbrad...
I am dog lover and know what it feels like to have a dog get lost and never cum hurt for a long did the right thing man..