My favorite 4-letter word...

elpocitopolloloco's Avatar

Typically, when you see YMMV in a review, somebody got more mileage than the average driver during his test drive. However, I have heard from other providers that YMMV is a copout for Upselling other guys.

Is YMMV the standard or the exception for DFW? Or is it just a chemistry lesson?
I'm more like a Cadillac, I get about the same mileage regardless of the driver
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 12-08-2009, 06:23 AM

Typically, when you see YMMV in a review, somebody got more mileage than the average driver during his test drive. However, I have heard from other providers that YMMV is a copout for Upselling other guys.

Is YMMV the standard or the exception for DFW? Or is it just a chemistry lesson? Originally Posted by elpocitopolloloco
Well sweetie, I really think it has a lot to do with the chemistry....
(like you said) but wait, not one man touches a woman in the same way.
so ya, someones session is going to be better than the other if he touches
me in a way that I like and that turns me on....some men just know how to
use their hands and mouth and boy is that a turn on......well at least it gets
my motor running.....Thank goodness not one has ever used that acronym on me..... Fawn

[Quoted by DecemberLove]
I'm more like a Cadillac, I get about the same mileage regardless of the driver
I'm with you on that, but my caddy likes to be primed to really get my motor running..... Fawn
Fawn nailed it!

YMMV is real and it is EVERYWHERE as I've experienced in other US cities and Canada.

I place it as being a fifty-fifty responsibility, the hobbyist that is a slob and is dirty is not getting the same mileage as the hobbyist that is in shape and clean. As with the provider, if she's fresh clean and in shape i guarantee my tongue is traveling over more mileage than if the opposite is the case.
chipper's Avatar
YMMV is a fact of life! It is not just "Hobby" related. It comes into effect in every part of our lives. People want to do business with and they want the respect of people they like. The more you make them like you the better your mileage is going to be.
chipper, YOU hit the nail on the head for sure!

SO many businesses, retailers, food services, you name it...are SO inconsistent in regards to customer service. It's just crazy! What is even MORE strange, the same place, company, etc. can be different every time you deal with them!

Hobby related: Like Fawn, I have never known of anyone using this term for me either. Hmmm...could it be that I strive to treat every single client in the best possible way I can? Could it be that I treat ALL my clients the way I would want to be treated?

The Golden Rule is applicable to SO many of life's situations, isn't it?
Bestman200600's Avatar

Yes its a factor on dates, but when your nice to your provider, treat her with respect, and pay her full fees things usually work out great.
Guest020610's Avatar
Frankly, I can't imagine even making an apptmt with myself, so whatever mileage I get is greatly appreciated! (and I think it does vary even with the same lady on different days) lol