Is anyone interested in perhaps doing a small scale bracket challenge here? We can do it just for giggles this year and if it works out well, perhaps we can make it more interesting next year and have a fee involved and perhaps a provider or two will offer their services to the winners taking their fee from the pot and the rest going to charity?
For this time, lets keep the rules simple. You have to play both Men's and Women's tournaments. Simply name your final four from each contest with the team you are picking in the number 1 slot being your choice for the NCAA champion.
For instance, here is my guess without the actual brackets pairings being out yet (I will post my REAL ENTRY later tonight after I see the pairings):
1) Kentucky (final champ)
2) Kansas
3) West Virginia
4) Minnesota
1) UCONN (final champ)
2) Nebraska
3) Tennessee
4) Xavier
Anybody interested? If there aren't any bites to make this interesting i will come up with some way to make it worth the while and give the winner a prize that has a hobby theme.