Is it me..or is the action really slow right now?

vinny's Avatar
  • vinny
  • 01-13-2010, 07:18 PM
I just wanted to get everyones' thoughts. I know people are still migrating over from the previous board but it seems like there's not much action in the review department. As a matter of fact, there is not much discussion in this forum as well as advertising activities in the providers there another active board that I'm not aware of? Please feel free to chime in...Just curious. I know we are not recession proof.
This board is hopping compared to others I have visited... there are new reviews but they are hidden a little because of moving the old reviews from the other place...
Personally, the holidays had alot of my spare time that I might have spent writing, tied up. Also, I think the climate on the old board has some people sitting back and watching the water before they jump in with both feet!
Tess eludes to the previous board where bickering and inflamatory comments were all to prevalent, I for one could not, would not, participate in such an enviroment. The moderators on this board seem to have the guidelines established and keep those indiviguals in check. My point, when you remove all of the trash talk and engage in a "hobbyist/provider information exchange the posts are significantly reduced.
Metal Smith
I did not post reviews on the other board for the previously stated reasons. Tess has suggested (my interpretation) "watching the water" to see how this board developes, so after never posting here is #2 for me. Reviews to follow.
Metal Smith
"I'm under Tess - again - OMG!" Hey MS, I like you on top too!

I agree, the mods are doing a good job of keeping a civil playing area. I'm not one to usually let the bullies take over the playground without a fight but the powers that be, or were, on the old site didn't seem to care if certain members spewed hate and caused unrest in the forums.

I found it easier (like many other members) to just not log in or to go to other sites like this one, where the climate was warmer and more enjoyable to participate in. Some past troublemakers have shown their handles here too but hopefully they will be more civil. If not, I'll not read threads they participate in, period! I don't like censorship but we all know when enough is enough!

While we're all engaging in adult conversations and may have differing opinions here, it's sure nice to be back among friendlies and able to read threads without be pissed off! Hell, I even missed Ralphy!
its typically slow until the end of January,,
Christmas bills are coming due now, Property taxes are due, ...

bills, bills, bills..
dookiexp's Avatar
tell me about it i just got a whopping gas bill (and i mean $$ more than i had budgeted, could be a leak). Was shocked it was so high.

I was intending to see someone this week! not now ;(
Not just that... the weather has been so freakin cold, no one wants to get out. Hell I don't even want to get out of bed to grab my vibrator... lol
Hell I don't even want to get out of bed to grab my vibrator... lol Originally Posted by Destinysosoft
Stash it under the bed! Then all you have to expose is an arm
Lol right... They don't make bed frames like they used to, with little cubby holes in the head board....
its typically slow until the end of January,,
Christmas bills are coming due now, Property taxes are due, ...

bills, bills, bills.. Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
My pipes couldn't have burst at a better time then, sweet! I've got a big fat renters insurance check coming my way, I should partake in a little hobbying myself! I don't know how you guys do it, it's so hard to choose.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 01-15-2010, 06:29 PM
Liv, my rates are very reasonable. And if you have a student ID, I'll even give you a discount.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 01-15-2010, 07:37 PM
I've got a big fat renters insurance check coming my way, I should partake in a little hobbying myself! Originally Posted by Austin Liv
Since you're already screened, feel free to take advantage of my BFE special!
Hey everyone! Even when I can't hobby I enjoy reading the ads and yes, they haven't been showing up as much.
Carl and Ztonk you guys are so damn funny, love it! How much of a discount?? LMAO...