Call of Duty - Black Ops

Apollo!'s Avatar
Any online gamers out there? Looks like Call of Duty - Black Ops had some record sales. I'm not much of a gamer but this game rocks!

"Call of Duty: Black Ops" NEWS

"Call of Duty Black Ops blasted entertainment records this week by raking in $360 million in its first 24 hours on sale, approximately 5.6 million copies in North America".

Hwando Actual's Avatar
I haven't picked it up; although it looks very cool. Personally, I'm still engrossed in Medal of Honor...
Par_Shooter's Avatar
I ran through about an hour in campaign mode today. At this point I don't like it as much as Modern Warfare but we'll see.
Apollo!'s Avatar
I ran through about an hour in campaign mode today. At this point I don't like it as much as Modern Warfare but we'll see. Originally Posted by Par_Shooter
I agree about the campaign mode, it's a little different but online battles are pretty cool.. I have not played Modern Warfare or Medal of Honor, I may have to check them out.
Boltfan's Avatar
I guess I need to go out and get it. Time to start ranking up again.
I really like COD 4 Modern Warfare II. I haven't picked up the new COD yet but thanks for the info. I'll check it out next week.
TexRich's Avatar
I guess I need to go out and get it. Time to start ranking up again. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Boltfan's Avatar
I do like the fact that you can save up and only but the items you want. Why have 5 different shotguns what you can just have better light assault weapons, etc. I did not play CODMW 2 or WAW so I am not sure if they had this option but the two fisted handguns is cool as well.

Running into the same frustrations in the past though. Could not get on a Hardcore Team Deathmatch last night to save our lives. Non Hardcore seemed to be working fine.
Apollo!'s Avatar
What's the best weapon out there? NukeTown is just a flat out quick killing session.. LOL
Apollo!'s Avatar
Has anyone had any issues hooking up bluebooth wireless headset for COD? I was able to pair it to my PS3 but could not figure out how to get it working with COD.

Any suggestions?
Boltfan's Avatar
I had the most kills in NukeTown for a session. We were done in about 5 minutes and I had 16 kills. Got to 75 kills way too quick.

Xbox here so no help on your bluetooth question. Sorry