needing prayers please

My daughter has been sick most her life an has had to have around 7 surgeries. They took a couple of biospies an I really would appericate an prayers we can get.. I know this may not be the place but right now I am so overwhelmed an scared so please an thank yall in advance!
Xoxoxo Raven
You can never get enough prayers. Hope all is well with your daughter.
Prayers sent! God bless.
Praying for you and your daughter
Thank all of you so much! It means a lot xoxoxo
Panama Grey's Avatar
Another on the way
NaughtyLittleNative's Avatar
Prayers sent!
Sent. Hope all is well!
Jjsunday's Avatar
I am so sorry Baby I will keep you and your in my prayers and I hope she get better soon sending blessing your way!!!!!!!!!!!!Besos
i am so sorry you are going through this! Prayers and Blessings!
Stay safe out there, and hope she gets well soon.

Warmest Regards,

I just want to say thank you to each an everyone of you who has taken tine out of your lives to comment an pray for my daughter an I. It means a lot xoxoxoxo