How Stupid Are Kansas Republicans?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's hard to tell. They keep setting new standards for stupid.

Now, no one needs to think for themselves, the Republican leadership has everything under control. Gawd, what morons!

Props to Senate Majority Leader Jay Emler for not falling for this, and he is a Republican leader! The leadership wants the leaders to fall in line. Makes you wonder who the Republican leaders are? When the Republican Senate leader won't agree to follow the leadership, what does that say about Republican leaders?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
One thing we should all learn is that conservatives and the GOP are two different animals.
In Utah the TEA Party nominated Mia Love to run for Congress and the establishment GOP is making fun of her.
In Nevada Sharon Angle had the TEA Party on her side but not the GOP.
In California Meg Whitman was fighting both Jerry Brown and the GOP.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
They are neck and neck with Arizona
Kansas has never voted it's pocketbook
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What the hell does that mean, Ekim?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
You tell me, you are one.
What the hell does that mean, Ekim? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

they never vote for the people who would help them the most,
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes, Ekim, they should vote for those who will take the most from others, to give to them. That's why we're in this mess. We need to vote for people who will keep us free, and it ain't the Kansas Republicans (or Democrats, for that matter.)

RaggedyAndy, I'm not a Republican. Sorry to disappoint you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
People like Ekim never learn and they are happy in their ignorance. Their world is black and white. Like COG, I am not a Republican. I am an independent conservative who has voted for democrats and independents in the past when I thought they were conservative. Sadly the democratic party has purged them from their ranks.
pyramider's Avatar
The stupid congessman is no stupider than the idiots that vote for him.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Yes, Ekim, they should vote for those who will take the most from others, to give to them. That's why we're in this mess. We need to vote for people who will keep us free, and it ain't the Kansas Republicans (or Democrats, for that matter.)

RaggedyAndy, I'm not a Republican. Sorry to disappoint you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Oh, that's right - libertarians are really closely aligned with Democrats. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, wears his mother's bathrobe like a duck, - well, you get the picture.
Yes, Ekim, they should vote for those who will take the most from others, to give to them. That's why we're in this mess. We need to vote for people who will keep us free, and it ain't the Kansas Republicans (or Democrats, for that matter.)

RaggedyAndy, I'm not a Republican. Sorry to disappoint you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I should have known it was over your head,you are a recovering lawyer.There is a book with that title read it.
People like Ekim never learn and they are happy in their ignorance. Their world is black and white. Like COG, I am not a Republican. I am an independent conservative who has voted for democrats and independents in the past when I thought they were conservative. Sadly the democratic party has purged them from their ranks. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

latest pew poll on that showed 80% of independents were republican like I was. We are disgusted with the direction the GOP is taking. Especially now when their only points are to purge all members who will cross the line and work for the benefit of the electorate.Like Durbin who is in the cross hairs of the Baggers now.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
RaggedyAndy, some facets of libertarianism closely resemble Democrat policies, others Republican polices, but a great deal of libertarian philosophy is opposed to both sides. The main thing Libertarians stands for is . . . listen closely . . . Liberty.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Liberty. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Dammit, you misspelled libertine. Buy you books and send you to skool.....

Well, you're kinda like the self-appointed "parrotriots" around here.