Abortion: For once Liberal Psychosis benefits conservatives

Abortion is hard to oppose due to the fact most abortions are performed on Psychotic Liberals. How can you fight stupid liberals self-limiting their own population. I'd say Ovoma needs to make this process much easier for libtards. I would suggest placing a meat grinder at most liquor stores. This way a welfare-queen jizz dumpster could deposit her shit-sack into the meat grinder for a "very late term" abortion. An added benefit would be to allow the contents to flow into the ally to feed the stray cats and dog, and the homeless. Heck, the peta freaks, and homeless advocates might stop whining.

Hey just a thought. Trying to think out of the box. LOL

drunk baby.jpg
bambino's Avatar
Well, abortion is a tough subject. Been there, done that as a young man. As a political issue, it's a loser. As is gun control. You just can't outlaw either. Kinda like prohibition, outlaw booze, people will drink bathtub gin. Late term abortions are barbaric tho. Shouldn't happen.
Stop abortions, get a vasectomy.
albundy's Avatar
I don't like abortion as a political issue. I've seen women defend it as a fundamental political right. It's a tough issue. Just like politics, a lot of people's abortion stance has become their religion. I just can't see how in the world it is NOT considered killing by anyone. If you've ever had a child and saw the ultra sound, how could you not think that you were looking at a growing, living baby? It baffles me.

It seems, according to the laws of the land, that the major thing that determines if the fetus is alive or not is if the mom wants it or not. If you murder a pregnant woman, you are charged with two murders, but if a pregnant woman that was just as far along decided tomorrow she no longer wants to have a baby, now it's no longer a child. Huh?
Abortion is hard to oppose due to the fact most abortions are performed on Psychotic Liberals. How can you fight stupid liberals self-limiting their own population. I'd say Ovoma needs to make this process much easier for libtards. I would suggest placing a meat grinder at most liquor stores. This way a welfare-queen jizz dumpster could deposit her shit-sack into the meat grinder for a "very late term" abortion. An added benefit would be to allow the contents to flow into the ally to feed the stray cats and dog, and the homeless. Heck, the peta freaks, and homeless advocates might stop whining.

Hey just a thought. Trying to think out of the box. LOL

Attachment 483502 Originally Posted by Muscleup
Well since the libs are all for abortions and their exalted socialst muzzie leader is ok with it too, then they should applaud their muzzie "friends " in ISIS even more now since a news report today came out saying how ISIS is now killing children with downs syndrome or any sign of mental disability and aborting baby's that MIGHT show the same conditions. Story was on Newsmax, for the lying liberals on here that will say BS to the story. They aren't " RW" as the LYING liberals on here claim about anyone NOT part of the "official " U.S. Pravda branch for the dumbascraps.
  • DSK
  • 12-15-2015, 04:37 PM
Abortion is hard to oppose due to the fact most abortions are performed on Psychotic Liberals. How can you fight stupid liberals self-limiting their own population. I'd say Ovoma needs to make this process much easier for libtards. I would suggest placing a meat grinder at most liquor stores. This way a welfare-queen jizz dumpster could deposit her shit-sack into the meat grinder for a "very late term" abortion. An added benefit would be to allow the contents to flow into the ally to feed the stray cats and dog, and the homeless. Heck, the peta freaks, and homeless advocates might stop whining.

Hey just a thought. Trying to think out of the box. LOL

Attachment 483502 Originally Posted by Muscleup
Fucking liberals!!