More stupidity from the democrats president

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Obama was touted as the most tech savvy president of all times. He understood the Internet and social media more than someone like say....Hillary Clinton. Okay, so why is it that our national security apparatus has rules in place forbidding them from monitoring social media and finding people who swear allegiance to ISIS or Jihad? Seems like a no brainer to me....unless of course you don't really want to find these people.

As for the Nazi Baby Killer, yesterday's news and here is what we do with that;

bambino's Avatar
It's all about containment.
Looks like more backlash from Snowden. Anyone know how long the law was in effect?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Free Eric Snowden a true American hero.

The vetting process has zip to do with the NSA's illegal work.
[QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;1057577055]Obama was touted as the most tech savvy president of all times. He understood the Internet and social media more than someone like say....Hillary Clinton. Okay, so why is it that our national security apparatus has rules in place forbidding them from monitoring social media and finding people who swear allegiance to ISIS or Jihad? Seems like a no brainer to me....unless of course you don't really want to find these people.

The gov'ment is beyond explanation for is incompetency with high tech. I.E. Ovoma care website costing a billion dollars and being worthless. The gov'ment is sooo far behind on tech. However, they are hardcore bastards when it comes to hash tags on tweeter. Fuckin' scars ISIS into a fetal position.

Fucking complete insane Psychotic liberal fucktards.
  • DSK
  • 12-15-2015, 09:01 PM
Obama was touted as the most tech savvy president of all times. He understood the Internet and social media more than someone like say....Hillary Clinton. Okay, so why is it that our national security apparatus has rules in place forbidding them from monitoring social media and finding people who swear allegiance to ISIS or Jihad? Seems like a no brainer to me....unless of course you don't really want to find these people.

As for the Nazi Baby Killer, yesterday's news and here is what we do with that;

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
More like, I don't want them snooping on us!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
More like, I don't want them snooping on us!! Originally Posted by DSK
more like, they are snooping on "us" because "we" are the enemy of freedom.
we are in fact he defenders of Freedom, which makes us the patriots of America.

more like, they are snooping on "us" because "we" are the enemy of freedom.
we are in fact he defenders of Freedom, which makes us the patriots of America.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Make the well armed defenders of freedom and patriots that aren't afraid of the lying liberals and their media friends ! Let those PC sumbitches come and "get some " !
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Obama was touted as the most tech savvy president of all times. He understood the Internet and social media more than someone like say....Hillary Clinton. Okay, so why is it that our national security apparatus has rules in place forbidding them from monitoring social media and finding people who swear allegiance to ISIS or Jihad? Seems like a no brainer to me....unless of course you don't really want to find these people.

As for the Nazi Baby Killer, yesterday's news and here is what we do with that;

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Typical ignorant j douche post. Once again no clue as to where laws come from. Link showing Obama came up with current rules and regulations or has ability to change them?
Didn't think so.

LexusLover's Avatar
Once again no clue as to where laws come from. Link showing Obama came up with current rules and regulations or has ability to change them?
Didn't think so. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Did you ask yourself a question then answer it?

Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!

Now declare yourself to be a winner!!!

"Munch Master" is perfect for you!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Confused paranoids... Not only are you shitting your pants about ISIS, but also Obama, who is out to get you idiots...

You guys are so busy crossing the streams, you don't know which talking points to default back to.

I'm waiting for you to explode. That should be any day now...
Guest123018-4's Avatar
If you post information on the internet that is open for anybody to see you are a fool to think that the "authorities" should not or will not look, that is unless you are a jihadist trying to immigrate to this country. Big differenc3 between what you post in public for all the world to see and the gathering of your private phone conversations, texts, emails, and any other form of communication that you have a reasonable expectation of being private.

The inability of this administration to not understand the difference is in a word frightening.
The failure of our government to perform such a simple task as looking at what is on a potential immigrants public internet presence is disgusting in its blatant disregard for our nation's security. The PC or fear of offending a person that is not a citizen and in fact a terrorist by making a common sense investigation shows how inept our government and this administration is at dealing with the immigration issues. Now we are expected to welcome with open arms the unvetted "refugees" without even as much as looking at their facebook page or whatever is available to us. Are we so willing to allow our government to spy on us and yet cryu foul when we spy on a potential terrorist.
Where do you get the " unvetted " from?
southtown4488's Avatar
Confused paranoids... Not only are you shitting your pants about ISIS, but also Obama, who is out to get you idiots...

You guys are so busy crossing the streams, you don't know which talking points to default back to.

I'm waiting for you to explode. That should be any day now... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Theyre afraid of their own shadows, but when it comes to stopping people on the terrorist watch list from buying guns. . . well, they don't support that. dumb cunts.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Theyre afraid of their own shadows, but when it comes to stopping people on the terrorist watch list from buying guns. . . well, they don't support that. dumb cunts. Originally Posted by southtown4488
You mean a thoroughly "vetted list" like the one Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy's name was on, suckclown? The Second and Fifth Amendments are still the law in this country, suckclown. So, go have another bowel movement, suckclown, and this time strain out the remains of your brain.