How much is gas now (Ie, Thanks for the midterms)?

How much is gas where you live?
$2.45 a gallow around here.
What do the Midterms have to do with the price of Gas?
I asked how much gas cost.
Then I said thanks for the midterms.

Gas prices were one of the things contributing to a coming "red" wave that never showed. That's all the trumpys talked about. Dems were going to be swept out of office.
The funny thing was is that gas prices aren't controlled by the president. That didn't keep y'all from bitching. The midterms were lost by trump and his radical candidates, the Supreme court, candidates like walker and lake, and how out of touch trumpys are with mainstream Americans.
If the house follows through with its bullshit investigations, 2024 is a year you'll remember for a long time. You've already alienated the true independents along with the moderate repubs.
What do the Midterms have to do with the price of Gas? Originally Posted by Levianon17
I asked how much gas cost.
Then I said thanks for the midterms.

Gas prices were one of the things contributing to a coming "red" wave that never showed. That's all the trumpys talked about. Dems were going to be swept out of office.
The funny thing was is that gas prices aren't controlled by the president. That didn't keep y'all from bitching. The midterms were lost by trump and his radical candidates, the Supreme court, candidates like walker and lake, and how out of touch trumpys are with mainstream Americans.
If the house follows through with its bullshit investigations, 2024 is a year you'll remember for a long time. You've already alienated the true independents along with the moderate repubs.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
What a joke.
  • Tiny
  • 12-24-2022, 02:36 PM
Duplicate Post
  • Tiny
  • 12-24-2022, 02:36 PM
Thank goodness the Biden Administration and many Democratic politicians backed off their radical anti-fossil fuel agenda when it became apparent it would hurt them at the polls. And thank goodness for Joe Manchin, who at times has seemed to be the only sane one of the lot.

Here's what Biden earlier favored, and presumably will go back to when and if political conditions permit it. Actually I think he still claims he wants to proceed with items 2 through 4 below, regardless of the effect on our energy security.

1. No more drilling on federal leases
2. Net zero green house gas (GHG) emissions by 2050
3. Reduction of GHG emissions by 65% by 2030
4. An all electric car and truck fleet by 2035

Some other prominent Democratic politicians, including Sanders and Warren, favored ending fracking immediately, which would send U.S. oil and gas production into a death spiral. OK, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but given that 60% to 65% of USA hydrocarbon production is from tight formations that require fracking, and considering that production from the wells declines rapidly in early years, U.S. oil and gas production would soon be a fraction of what it is now.

Then there are the obstacles that the Biden Administration and Democrat state politicians have put in the way of pipelines.

No wonder American oil and gas companies are reluctant to invest, with sword of Damocles hanging over their heads. It's awfully rich hearing President Biden, Amos Hochstein, and other prominent Democrats complain about the unpatriotic American producers which aren't investing more in production and refining, at the same time they're threatening to kill off the industry.

Yes, the price of gasoline is down. Thank COVID policy in China, lower-than-expected demand in other places, and OPEC policy as well. In the long term, the Democratic Party is a huge threat to our energy security.
Redhot1960's Avatar
Your motors are doomed with this 13% ethonol. Nobody noticed...
Put your food in your gas tanks, Brilliant.
  • Tiny
  • 12-24-2022, 04:36 PM
Your motors are doomed with this 13% ethonol. Nobody noticed...
Put your food in your gas tanks, Brilliant. Originally Posted by Redhot1960
It's crazy isn't it? It costs more and produces more carbon emissions than gasoline.
Thank goodness the Biden Administration and many Democratic politicians backed off their radical anti-fossil fuel agenda when it became apparent it would hurt them at the polls. And thank goodness for Joe Manchin, who at times has seemed to be the only sane one of the lot.

Here's what Biden earlier favored, and presumably will go back to when and if political conditions permit it. Actually I think he still claims he wants to proceed with items 2 through 4 below, regardless of the effect on our energy security.

1. No more drilling on federal leases
2. Net zero green house gas (GHG) emissions by 2050
3. Reduction of GHG emissions by 65% by 2030
4. An all electric car and truck fleet by 2035

Some other prominent Democratic politicians, including Sanders and Warren, favored ending fracking immediately, which would send U.S. oil and gas production into a death spiral. OK, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but given that 60% to 65% of USA hydrocarbon production is from tight formations that require fracking, and considering that production from the wells declines rapidly in early years, U.S. oil and gas production would soon be a fraction of what it is now.

Then there are the obstacles that the Biden Administration and Democrat state politicians have put in the way of pipelines.

No wonder American oil and gas companies are reluctant to invest, with sword of Damocles hanging over their heads. It's awfully rich hearing President Biden, Amos Hochstein, and other prominent Democrats complain about the unpatriotic American producers which aren't investing more in production and refining, at the same time they're threatening to kill off the industry.

Yes, the price of gasoline is down. Thank COVID policy in China, lower-than-expected demand in other places, and OPEC policy as well. In the long term, the Democratic Party is a huge threat to our energy security. Originally Posted by Tiny
Gas Prices could be 1.50 a gallon and the Oil Companies would still make a handsome profit. Anytime Politics enters any area of our lives there's a scam associated with it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-24-2022, 05:23 PM
Gas Prices could be 1.50 a gallon and the Oil Companies would still make a handsome profit. Anytime Politics enters any area of our lives there's a scam associated with it. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Don't pay any attention to Tiny and his babbling about oil and politics.

He has trouble distinguishing between what is said to win a primary and general and actual policy.

If politicians did what they promised, Trump would have done away with deficits instead of piling on another 8 trillion!
Like I said before. Thanks for the midterms.

And thank you for the 2024 election if y'all insist on nominating trump.
What a joke. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Don't pay any attention to Tiny and his babbling about oil and politics.

He has trouble distinguishing between what is said to win a primary and general and actual policy.

If politicians did what they promised, Trump would have done away with deficits instead of piling on another 8 trillion! Originally Posted by WTF
If Trump would have done what he had promised about draining the swamp half of Congress would be in prison.
  • Tiny
  • 12-24-2022, 09:12 PM
The midterms were lost by trump and his radical candidates, the Supreme court[decision overturning Roe vs Wade], candidates like walker and lake, and how out of touch trumpys are with mainstream Americans. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
This is actually a pretty good synopsis of what happened. Without the Supreme Court decision and Trump and his anointed candidates in the mix, there would have been a red wave.

One trifling criticism, the Republicans did not lose the midterms. They won the House of Representatives. Democrats no longer have control over the presidency and both houses. They can't shut Republicans out of the legislative process any longer.

Not only did the Republicans win more seats in the House of Representatives, but they won the total popular vote by over 3 million votes.
Like I said before. Thanks for the midterms.

And thank you for the 2024 election if y'all insist on nominating trump.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
You worry about the dumbest shit. It doesn't matter who the President is they aren't watching your back anyway. Liberals want free Education and everything else free how about free gas. So I don't want to hear a dam thing about gas prices. Until it's free it's too fucking high.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-25-2022, 07:45 AM
If Trump would have done what he had promised about draining the swamp half of Congress would be in prison. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Including Trump!