Putin and the civilized world

VitaMan's Avatar
Putin made some interesting comments recently about Russia attempting to join the "civilized world" after the Soviet Union was no more. He said it didn't work and Russia was rebuffed.

If some one has expertise on Russia to discuss this, and what he is talking about, that would be of interest.

Does Russia consider itself unable to join the rest of the world ? President Reagan called Russia (or the Soviet Union) the focus of evil in the modern world.

Russia seems to have a very capable scientific community, but who has ever bought a consumer product from Russia ? There are plenty of consumer products from the communist country China. But not communist Russia. So it is not just communism.

Is Russia just plain evil ? Or does it end up that way because it can't do or convert itself into anything else ?
Precious_b's Avatar
Knew a guy from the middle east. He loved soviet stuff. It was not advanced but robust in manufacturer and repairable if it broke. Can't say the same about chinese stuff.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Putin made some interesting comments recently about Russia attempting to join the "civilized world" after the Soviet Union was no more. He said it didn't work and Russia was rebuffed.

If some one has expertise on Russia to discuss this, and what he is talking about, that would be of interest.

Does Russia consider itself unable to join the rest of the world ? President Reagan called Russia (or the Soviet Union) the focus of evil in the modern world.

Russia seems to have a very capable scientific community, but who has ever bought a consumer product from Russia ? There are plenty of consumer products from the communist country China. But not communist Russia. So it is not just communism.

Is Russia just plain evil ? Or does it end up that way because it can't do or convert itself into anything else ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

why Russia's economy isn't larger and more robust is a mystery. can't be the former USSR's fault now. corruption? perhaps. regardless Russia as the by far largest nation on planet Earth (even if Siberia is mostly unusable) has vast resources and why they can't do more with them is strange indeed.

Knew a guy from the middle east. He loved soviet stuff. It was not advanced but robust in manufacturer and repairable if it broke. Can't say the same about chinese stuff. Originally Posted by Precious_b

in the late 70's before the collapse of the USSR a Russian pilot defected in a then state of the art USSR fighter, the MiG-25. he flew to Japan and naturally US experts were eager to examine the plane. what they found is .. a ruggedly designed plane which used old vacuum tube electronics. the US experts scoffed at that until some scientist pointed out that (at the time) vacuum tube tech was resistant to EMP's (electro magnetic pulses) produced by nuclear explosions. meaning that the former USSR's planes, unlike ours at the time, could fly through nuclear detonations and keep flying. never mind that the pilot was as good as dead within weeks or months, the plane would survive.

Decades ago, after the Soviet Union collapsed and our space programs combined. The Soviets were asked how they solved the problem of ball point pens not working in zero gravity.

They replied that they used pencils.

This might or might not be a true tale.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Putin made some interesting comments recently about Russia attempting to join the "civilized world" after the Soviet Union was no more. He said it didn't work and Russia was rebuffed.

I wonder if by "recently" you mean after he took Crimea by force and poisoned a few people outside and inside Russia?

A couple of days ago it was reported that Putin was ready to negotiate on Ukraine. Then yesterday he demanded to keep the Ukrainian land that he now holds and Ukraine must surrender. Doesn't sound like negotiations to me.

On Tuesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov went into more detail about the conditions Russia considers necessary for peace. Ukraine must surrender or the war will continue, he said.
VitaMan's Avatar
Please follow the topic as stated in the OP:

Putin made some interesting comments recently about Russia attempting to join the "civilized world" after the Soviet Union was no more. He said it didn't work and Russia was rebuffed.

If some one has expertise on Russia to discuss this, and what he is talking about, that would be of interest.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Please follow the topic as stated in the OP:

Putin made some interesting comments recently about Russia attempting to join the "civilized world" after the Soviet Union was no more. He said it didn't work and Russia was rebuffed. And I told you why he was "rebuffed".

If some one has expertise on Russia to discuss this, and what he is talking about, that would be of interest. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Yeah, there must be hundreds of Russia experts on this board, speak up before VM loses his mind. SMH
VitaMan's Avatar
No you didn't. You even missed the entire point of the topic.
The discussion is about why Russia was not able to join the "civilized world" after the Soviet Union disintegrated. That is what Putin is discussing.

Maybe it is better you don't comment or post. You are always trying some snarky way of posting an insult.

And you've been at it for years.

ManSlut's Avatar
Please follow the topic as stated in the OP:

Putin made some interesting comments recently about Russia attempting to join the "civilized world" after the Soviet Union was no more. He said it didn't work and Russia was rebuffed.

If some one has expertise on Russia to discuss this, and what he is talking about, that would be of interest. Originally Posted by VitaMan
I can only speculate and give my opinions VitaMan:

1. First, Putin suffers from an inferiority complex, probably due to his diminutive physical stature. So he took on a role of a bully. He probably deep down worships the man Stalin was.

2. When the Soviet Union failed it was actually the loss of a war with the US and the FreeWorld, the loss of a decades long Cold War. I don’t remember the FreeWorld gloating demonstrably, but I can imagine there was a lot of Fuck You’s thrown every Soviet Union nations’ way, especially Russia’s, for quite some time. Think about it, we just kicked their ass on a Global Scale without firing a shot, and this meant the FreeWorld had no incentive to wear a white cowboy hat and assist them, like after a real war and you have control of a physically defeated foe and you need to take control. The FreeWorld did not have control of the defeated former Soviet Republic, they just had a very large Moral Victory and a bunch of puppies with their tails between their legs after playing tough guys for years.

3. The Soviet Union/Russia was financially irrelevant at that time, we hadn’t physically taken them over, so why would the FreeWorld give two shits about them at the time, they still couldn’t be trusted.

4. I think Putin is just trying to justify to the World his country is not the ‘Stepchild’ they were made to be at that time, but they are, and losing this war in Ukraine is bringing this fallout talk from him.

A good thread topic, best I’ve seen started in this shithole forum in some time.
ManSlut's Avatar
I too would love to hear from or speak to someone who lived in the Soviet Union or Russia at the time of the end of the Cold War. Maybe I will reach out to some Russians I know personally and ask them about this subject and Putin’s meaning.
Does not seem rebuffed at all in the global community Russia is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council; a member state of the G20, the SCO, BRICS, the APEC, the OSCE, and the WTO; and is the leading member state of the CIS, the CSTO, and the EAEU. and OPEC +
Precious_b's Avatar

Russia seems to have a very capable scientific community, but who has ever bought a consumer product from Russia ? There are plenty of consumer products from the communist country China. But not communist Russia. So it is not just communism.

... Originally Posted by VitaMan
*I* would think the mindset in manufacturing products between these two countries is one of them highly places a profit margin over the other and an ability to scalar product development.

Industry took a big hit in this country when we allowed cheap products to take over US made ones because of price. Soviets, along with America, have the ability to make a quality product. Funny thing is, if the Chinese would pay attention to quality versus quantity, they could bury the both of us because they have the manpower to have people custom make a product.
when we allowed cheap products to take over US made ones Originally Posted by Precious_b
It was American companies that packed up and left for China when wages got too high Inflation has been low for decades because of cheap labor in China Americans also live well because they can afford a lot more with the lower prices
Precious_b's Avatar
You are correct LP. Americans demanded cheapest price. We killed ourselves. Of course China helped by suppressing the cost of their currency amongst other things.