Just When you thought it was safe to fly

macbeth1000's Avatar
You hear the news that a Malaysian 777 aircraft disappeared into thin air. I so love the clueless media with their sudden conclusions however what is terrifying is that, in this day and age, with advances in communication and travel that has made the world and brought people closer together, it is still a big world after all.

I think the new theory is that the aircraft must have landed and the passengers are being held hostage.

I wonder How in living hell, can someone steal or take over and fly a 777 and no one can find the fucker that did that.

threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Yea, they can find a person they want to arrest by pinging his cell phone and they can find a stolen car by turning on the onstar, but they don't have anything like that on a fucking jumbo jet. That just doesn't add up.
One word.

Everything nowadays has a radar. There were a ton of passengers on there---- u gonna tell me NONE of those people had their phone on? laptop, ipad, even an ipod?!
With the transponders tuned off it would be hard to see. Radar only works well relatively close up without the transponder to magnify its radar image. Especially if they dropped down a bit on their altitude. This kind of BFE in the Pacific, Indian ocean that plane has a hell of a range could be in Antarctica, there are no cell towers to pick up in lots of areas in the south Pacific, a SatPhone would be the only real option but you don't see them very often anymore if you ever really did, and even SatPhones had some blind spots if I remember correctly.
pyramider's Avatar
Reports of family members calling cell phones and the phones ring thru.
TheWanderer's Avatar
That is one hell of a mystery. Today makes 9 days since the plane took off.
Some radar shows the plane climbing to 45,000 feet, transponder turned on for a while, off for a while, then captured briefly flying at a low altitude....off course.
Was it hijacked? Was it a suicide mission? Is it in a hangar somewhere or at the bottom of the ocean.
Everything is speculation so far.
Clouddancer's Avatar
It is a strange mystery that one day, soon I think, will be solved.
All of the speculative theories certainly adds fuel the mysterious nature of the disappearance.
The theory the aircraft landed is a wild one but not impossible. But, how the hell do you hide a 777? Plus, you would think we would have heard something about ransom demands by now. I'm surprised an alien abduction hasn't been brought up by now.

There are a few solid facts that are evident. The transponder was off. That has to be an intentional act from the cockpit. It is most likely someone commandeered the aircraft, be it flight crew or passengers. I know very well how a flight crew will handle someone in the cockpit, Now, I ask, after 911, what is the likelihood that passengers would sit still while some nutcases hijacked their aircraft? Since it is not definitively known where the aircraft flew it is hard to know exactly where to look.The range of the aircraft makes for a very, very large search area. Even in today's sophisticated world.
The sad truth is finding a small area of wreckage in a vast search area is going to take time. I believe that is what will eventually come to pass.
Well...life imitates art.

Hurley was too fat and dragged the plane down. Sawyer was drilling' the flight attendants so they couldn't help.

Dharma's a bitch to overcome. Just search every damn island. They'll be found.
Well, maybe we should be rational enough to be irrational. There's a lot about the physics of the universe that we don't understand. Even though we're learning more about things at the quantum level, to a certain extent, we're still pretty clueless.

Maybe the Muthafucker just disappeared like protons and such do when they move in orbit around the nucleus of an atom. They don't move laterally. They just disappear from one place and the reappear in a new orbit. Nobody knows where they go. They just...go.
Google auto complete. I will let you draw your own conclusions.

macbeth1000's Avatar
Stay on point regardless of what the daily mail is, fact is all the major media outlets are saying the same thing. The big question is where on earth is a plane that is almost the length of a football field which I might add, needs a certain length of paved runway to land.
Three reasons we aren't hearing more about it:

1) its not a search any of us can assist with. Its not the plane is gonna be spotted at the local strip mall.

2) its in Malaysia. American media typically doesn't cover asian news unless mass casualty is confirmed.

3) decline in air travel. Everyone is planning their summer vacations right now. Like the airline industry really needs anymore horror stories to convince families a road trip is the better bet AGAIN this summer. You can bet one group of lawyers were already dining with another group of lawyers the second this hit the wires trying to maneuver the least amount of damage to summer travel ticket sales.

Don't you people watch House of Cards??? Sheesh! Lol

Not to mention this is the last time a plane will ever disappear. No one thought to put gps on planes bc of all the other tracking methods already in use. Now we know better. Sometimes it is only obvious after the fact.
Stay on point regardless of what the daily mail is, fact is all the major media outlets are saying the same thing. The big question is where on earth is a plane that is almost the length of a football field which I might add, needs a certain length of paved runway to land. Originally Posted by macbeth1000
Actually, the only thing required to land is a lack of thrust.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Actually, the only thing required to land is a lack of thrust. Originally Posted by Bad_Mojo
This is true. A buddy once told me, "Only two things fall out of the sky. Thats bird shit and dumb asses, and I'm not either one so I don't fly".
silverstate53's Avatar
Its been nine days and no candlelight vigil WTF - candle light vigils is what people do best these days and yes i am being sarcastic