Yet another prominent Republican is going to vote for Clinton

You can't make this up :
Jeb Bush's senior advisor is voting for Clinton if the election is close in Florida- welcome to the demise of the GOP. I have a lot of my diehard GOP friends are either not voting at all or voting for Clinton- guys this is real. Sally Bradshaw may not be a household name but she's well known in the GOP circles.

Here's her quote which is exactly what I been saying: she said, "we are at a crossroads and have nominated a total narcissist -- a misogynist -- a bigot. This is a time when country has to take priority over political parties. Donald Trump cannot be elected president."
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You can't make this up :
Jeb Bush's senior advisor is voting for Clinton if the election is close in Florida- welcome to the demise of the GOP. I have a lot of my diehard GOP friends are either not voting at all or voting for Clinton- guys this is real. Sally Bradshaw may not be a household name but she's well known in the GOP circles.

Here's her quote which is exactly what I been saying: she said, "we are at a crossroads and have nominated a total narcissist -- a misogynist -- a bigot. This is a time when country has to take priority over political parties. Donald Trump cannot be elected president." Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

This is exactly why people should have listened to Lindsey Graham. When Trump denigrated the service of John McCain who is a war hero it should have solidified for the Trump supporters that he was mentally unfit to hold office. A guy who made the ultimate sacrifice and was tortured can't even lift his arms to this day. Came back and served in public office and Trump has the gaul to say he's not a hero but a loser because he was caught. It's disgrace at it's highest level and anyone not supporting him but actually believing in him you have to question their common sense and morality.

The GOP is splintered and he's ruined their party. I feel sorry for all these die hard Trump fan boys, The guy has been liberal for 95% of his life and now he comes around at the last hour to proclaim he's a republican conservative. He's set them back for decades and it's the very reason reason the Koch brothers won't touch him or support him in any way.

It's pretty bad for the GOP right now. I feel for Paul Ryan I actually think he's a good guy but he's clearly trapped.
This is exactly why people should have listened to Lindsey Graham. When Trump denigrated the service of John McCain who is a war hero it should have solidified for the Trump supporters that he was mentally unfit to hold office. A guy who made the ultimate sacrifice and was tortured can't even lift his arms to this day. Came back and served in public office and Trump has the gaul to say he's not a hero but a loser because he was caught. It's disgrace at it's highest level and anyone not supporting him but actually believing in him you have to question their common sense and morality.

The GOP is splintered and he's ruined their party. I feel sorry for all these die hard Trump fan boys, The guy has been liberal for 95% of his life and now he comes around at the last hour to proclaim he's a republican conservative. He's set them back for decades and it's the very reason reason the Koch brothers won't touch him or support him in any way.

It's pretty bad for the GOP right now. I feel for Paul Ryan I actually think he's a good guy but he's clearly trapped. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Thank you Sistine I am a conservative and you echoed exactly what I been trying to tell these idiotic Trump supporters for weeks.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Thank you Sistine I am a conservative and you echoed exactly what I been trying to tell these idiotic Trump supporters for weeks. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
They're blinded by party loyalty. It's hard to get people to admit their wrong. Typically people double down when cornered. For example if they like Chocolate cake and you tell the it's clinically proven to cause cancer they will say I don't care I LOVE chocolate cake...and there they go unto the death.

I actually feel sorry for the Trump supporters everyone can see it but them. Lots of people are going to be left extremely bitter when he not only loses but gets TROUNCED in the general election. I think this election will set off a firestorm of divide in this country.
Chung Tran's Avatar
to be fair, I would have predicted that vote going back to September.. just as anyone could have known the Bushes would not show up in Cleveland.

I don't feel sorry for Republicans.. Trump took the nomination because Republicans in national politics have been failing for many years, Trump slid into the vacuum because voters finally got fed up.. the party has to blame itself if they don't support Trump.
to be fair, I would have predicted that vote going back to September.. just as anyone could have known the Bushes would not show up in Cleveland.

I don't feel sorry for Republicans.. Trump took the nomination because Republicans in national politics have been failing for many years, Trump slid into the vacuum because voters finally got fed up.. the party has to blame itself if they don't support Trump. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Chung it should have never gotten to this point- Trump and Carson were the two most under qualified of the 17. Somehow the gOP fell in love with a reality star who lived his entire life as a Democrat and praised Hillary Clinton at one time- he's on record saying she would make a terrific POTUS- now he wants us to believe she would be a horrible POTUS.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Chung it should have never gotten to this point- Trump and Carson were the two most under qualified of the 17. Somehow the gOP fell in love with a reality star who lived his entire life as a Democrat and praised Hillary Clinton at one time- he's on record saying she would make a terrific POTUS- now he wants us to believe she would be a horrible POTUS. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
well, under-qualified is subjective.. both men are US citizens over 35, which qualifies them.. but yeah, if the party had anything going, both men would have not entered the race, let alone one taken the nomination.. the Republicans have been fractured for years, and it's playing right into Democratic hands.. they are getting what they deserve.. the people's choice for the candidate, and Trump ran under their umbrella, because he could do so, and succeed.
well, under-qualified is subjective.. both men are US citizens over 35, which qualifies them.. but yeah, if the party had anything going, both men would have not entered the race, let alone one taken the nomination.. the Republicans have been fractured for years, and it's playing right into Democratic hands.. they are getting what they deserve.. the people's choice for the candidate, and Trump ran under their umbrella, because he could do so, and succeed. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I didn't mean in the legal sense- I met based on their resume- to be jolly just my party gave Obama a hard time in 2008 saying he was too green and just a one term senator. Trump has never held any political position- no foreign policy experience- and based on his comments about letting Japan have nukes, NATO, Putin won't enter Japan shows his lack of experience. I can't even tout his business plan- remarkably economist stated that Clinton's economic plan could create 10 million jobs and Trumps would add over a trillion dollars to the deficit. He's not qualified and doesn't have the temperament to lead this great country.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Clinton's foreign policy is failed, IMO, so that does not impress me.. you can talk with different economic "experts" who will tout either candidate's "plan".. fact is, neither plan will bear truth, it's just words at this point.. I don't concern myself with "Trump will add a trillion to the debt".. and neither do Democrats if they are honest.. Obama added, what, $8 trillion? yet the Dems think he got the economy roaring.

Trump is a change agent, Clinton is not.. Trump is an outsider, Clinton is the ultimate insider.. Trump pays for his campaign, Clinton is the lackey of the donor class.

that's what I care about. anything else is talk, chatter, that I don't believe.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I didn't mean in the legal sense- I met based on their resume- to be jolly just my party gave Obama a hard time in 2008 saying he was too green and just a one term senator. Trump has never held any political position- no foreign policy experience- and based on his comments about letting Japan have nukes, NATO, Putin won't enter Japan shows his lack of experience. I can't even tout his business plan- remarkably economist stated that Clinton's economic plan could create 10 million jobs and Trumps would add over a trillion dollars to the deficit. He's not qualified and doesn't have the temperament to lead this great country. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jen Bush and John McCain don't like Trump. Good! Makes it a lot easier to vote for for him knowing those tired, washed up Establishment puppets are opposed to him. Bush and McCain are part of the problem maybe Trump is the solution.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Jen Bush and John McCain don't like Trump. Good! Makes it a lot easier to vote for for him knowing those tired, washed up Establishment puppets are opposed to him. Bush and McCain are part of the problem maybe Trump is the solution. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are so full of shit.

We all knew you were a Trumpite from the get go, WhinyLittleBitch!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If being a Trumpite keeps that lying, corrupt sack of shit Hillary out of office, then I'm guilty.
Jen Bush and John McCain don't like Trump. Good! Makes it a lot easier to vote for for him knowing those tired, washed up Establishment puppets are opposed to him. Bush and McCain are part of the problem maybe Trump is the solution. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Keyword is "Puppet" another keyword "Mason". They are all puppets and Masons so if they don't like Trump, I think it would be safe to assume Trump isn't a Mason. Therefore good possibility Trump won't succumb to the puppeteers. That's good enough for me to take a chance on Trump. Those that Vote for Hillary are either Masons and are buying into the "New World Order" or they are just misinformed dumbasses that don't know any better. There isn't anything in between.

LexusLover's Avatar
The interesting twists to all these public announcements ....

... how will the public know how they actually voted.

The other is .... for what purpose? So they can say: "I told you so"?

To whom are they going to make that announcement?