My personal vacation

FirePhoenix's Avatar
As many of you know that for the past couple of weeks I have been on a personal vacation. Well I'm going to tell you some of the reasons for the "personal vacation ".

Last year I delvolped PTSD and it was like running into a brick wall I didn't even know was there. In order to deal with it I basically didn't deal with it. I kicked everything and everybody out of my world and out and put on blinders. The world I created for myself was a wonderful playground and I could create anything my heart desired. Peacefully I stayed innthe world I had created. 4 months ago the nightmare came knocking on my door.

At first I didnt notice what was happening. When I did start to notice I became scared. Was it real or was it the PTSD? For people that don't have PTSD it's like walking in your own 3-D nightmare if past horrors that you have witnessed replaying over and over again and again. Not fun to say the least.

After so long if this treatment I decided to catch what was going on. 1)I still had my blinders on. 2) ehat I had done to my room actually helped the stalking. Needless to say I did myself a huge disservice. What can I say?I'm human and I can make mistakes. All of this nearly cost me my life.Another big problem is that I never did what most people would do. In fact it's impossible for me to do what most people would do. The situation became a dragon chasing it's own tail and the dragon became HUGE.

When it almostbcost me my life I said "ENOUGH", and I took off my blinders. Again I did the unexpected on a variety of different levels. A lot of people started to become very scared. The firephoenix was waking up and starting to put the pieces together. The stalkers tried to get rid of me all together.

LMFAO, nice try, but again FAIL! You see a couple things happened. 1) You madam were recognized and now I know your name and some of your girls who work for you.2)All along I have been sending out my evidence. Many people don't even know what they truly have in their hands. 3) Nothing ever fell into yours of what I created or earned. (Did you really think that my headphones were really on the whole time? No bitches you never got any my shoes now did you?) 5) The biggest thing you never understood is that I love the hunt. I love to hunt for a great deal, price,product,ect and those are just very simple examples. I never showed my true knowledge of other things I can do. Everything that I choose to do I become very good at.

So my last piece of advice is for you madam is to RUN. If I find out that this goes higher than you, then it's best to tell me now.

For all providers that have been coerced into the sex-slave trade come to me.I can teach you how to get out and to stay safe.

Far all who read this -take or make what you what out of my story. Know that 1) I don't lie 2)I have proof and it's mine to do with ad I please 3) here is a song for 4) I am the Firephoenix and I'm pissed. RUN.5) Thank you to the people that cared,trusted, and gave me hope and friendship. 6) I now make it my life's work to track sex traffickers and come after you. 7) For those that share an incall or train new providers, know that you are not of my interest. Don't make me interested in you either. There is a need for the work you providers do and I respect that.

Treetop78759's Avatar
I said it before and I'll keep saying it again. Don't keep fucking with these gals thinking nothing will ever happen. This evening is only the tip if the proverbial iceburg.

Remember, Eccie is a game. The next move is yours.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
These are not fun times for pimps and handlers.
Treetop78759's Avatar

That was a link I posted about a Chinese dude in Austin who was arrested last week.

I've never done the FS route but I've given up the L1 AMP'S I used to frequent. Even the ones were I know they are not trafficked. It's just not right.

I admire you FP for going after human traffickers. I'm 100% in favor of doing anything, no matter what it is to stop it. Be vindictive too because those are the type of people who define evil. Turn their world upside down.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Oh, I don't just get angry. I get very creative. I am Leo sign and how do lions hunt? Btw, madam tell your Rainbow Bright to change her hair color. The Kool-aid man wants his color back and well trannys don't even want to claim her as one of their own.JS
Whispers's Avatar


But the story some of us have heard is quite different......

It almost cost you your life?..... What did you do this time?

... I was under the impression your stated need for therapy and seeking help was more in line with the issues you have been having.... for a good while now right?

Isn't creative story telling just one of those problems you have?
So what your saying is your going after the traffickers? Sure hope your right before you start outing people. I think the only thing you can do is get le involved. And if that's the case, than anyone who knows you or met you should stay away.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Have I outed anyone? What about the fact that they outed me? Nice try whimpy and mr.kickselfintheballs. Both of of you don't know much of shit do you? How is it story telling when I have proof and if you been following me then the timelines make sense? What about the shoes line I told about? What about the fact more than one person recognise some people? Are you saying that people that have never met one another are all making up the same people? That's a hell of a lot of delusional people seeing the sameing. Does PTSD spread like a cold then?
FirePhoenix's Avatar
My last 24 hrs at were I was living were very interesting there. You see I was outside and it was around noon. I saw something that scared the shit out of me. I never said a word about it.I didn't show any emotion about it. I never even went back inside my place.I did have someone pick me up right away and get me out of there. When I got back in to my place I was given a letter stating that I had to leave by 5pm the next day. No reason was given. I had lived there for a yr and it was mothers day weekend. What saw scared the shit out of me and now I knew of some people that were paided off.

Very few people know of what I saw.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Btw,I only told one person from the hobby about what I saw and the letter to leave was already written by then. What do you have to say to that?I hadn't played in 2 weeks by then,had taken off my blinders, and my place was already 80% cleaned out by that time. So why all of a sudden the extreme need for me to leave? Hell that day I was actually gone for most of the day.
This is all very mysteriously worded. Sounds like you have witnessed or experienced some bad things. Since you are sharing, would it be possible to put what you are wanting and choosing to share in plain English? Not suggesting indiscretion, just clarity.

Are you telling us "For a while I had a shared in-call where I also lived, and a scheduler. Thought it was OK but I was in denial about what was going on there. Then recently I saw something that made me certain some of the girls were being coerced, and for seeing that was thrown out"? That's what I got so far but I could be reading it wrong.

Just curious.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I never have shared an in-call place.I have never had a scheduler .I have only once did a double with another provider and that happened before I delvolped PTSD. The wording has to be careful chosen so I don't out anyone but still tell my story and send a message to those that tried to coerce or get rid of me.

The madam was recognised by several people and so was some of her know working girls.
Eh. OK. Then from what you have written I have no idea what you are saying you have experienced, which is fine, no reason that should matter.

Maybe this is a coded message for people who were involved.

Good luck with it all and I hope it works out right.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Sigh, please ask in the ML where I was living at. Hopefully that will help you understand why it's not a shared in-call but that the madam and the working girls can be there too.
Btw,I only told one person from the hobby about what I saw and the letter to leave was already written by then. What do you have to say to that?I hadn't played in 2 weeks by then,had taken off my blinders, and my place was already 80% cleaned out by that time. So why all of a sudden the extreme need for me to leave? Hell that day I was actually gone for most of the day. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix

"Blinders" what exactly does that mean? What could blind you like that? Hmmm