So I'm sitting here having a nice drink, a cigar, trolling the reviews, and listening to Bon Jovi (no homo); and I came across one of the best reviews I've ever had the privilege of reading (Thanks Grassy_Knoll).
By "best" I mean the idea for the session was great, the writing was excellent (and funny), and there were even a few pics. For that moment I was the "Vicar of the Hobby".
It got me thinking. "If I had (say) 2 grand to blow on the ULTIMATE 1 hour session, what would I do; and who would I do it with?"
I was stuck, so I decided to bring the question to the floor (or at least Co-Ed Discussions. I mean, the hobby is about more than fucking beautiful chicks (not much more); so there has to be an ultimate experience.
Grassy Knoll came close IMHO, but I can't think of what mine might be.
So I ask, "If you had 2 grand to blow on the ULTIMATE 1 hour session, what would you do and with whom?"