
Still Looking's Avatar
Which guideline covers "Spam"? JCM800 gave me 10 points for "Spam". The last thing I want to do here at my new home is break any guidelines. I PM'D JCM800 in regard to this issue but he REFUSED to answer.

So let's get it cleared up...

1) Which guideline covers "Spam"?
2) How many threads are members allowed to start?
JCM800's Avatar
Maybe it's all part of the double secret posting guidelines, lol ...or maybe it's just one of those action/reaction common sense type of things.

Since you seem to be unclear on things I can help break it down for you (..but really you're not unclear on anything here but I'll entertain this for the moment).

1. You were butthurt over some points you received from insulting remarks you made to a member.
2. You then decided to spam the Coed forum here because of it.
3. You were sent a nice polite staff instructional PM advising you against doing that.
4. You then chose to ignore the advice and continue on which resulted in the points you referenced in your OP.

Seems pretty simple to me.

If you want to ignore staff instructions then that's on you, completely your decision sir ...but you can't complain about the results then from doing so.

Also if you want to come in here and vent or cry about some hookerboard injustice that has been done to you ...go for it ...I'm sure we'll all enjoy watching it, lol.
Still Looking's Avatar
Well JCM800 I asked "2" simple questions in a forum for asking questions. Once again you refuse to answer those two simple questions. So I will take my questions to another forum.

Your response is insulting and you know it. Your response coupled with you playing favorites has no place here! You should resign as a mod.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Which guideline covers "Spam"? Originally Posted by Still Looking
Ummm ... the old Monty Python script?
Come-on SL, that stuff a while back was a bit.....
Regardless, welcome back to the state that's flatter than, dare I say it, sliced spam.
Still Looking's Avatar
Ummm ... the old Monty Python script?
Come-on SL, that stuff a while back was a bit.....
Regardless, welcome back to the state that's flatter than, dare I say it, sliced spam. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
We might need to look for s new mod or two here! Based on the PM'S it's obvious the favoritisem here is a big problem. 5 points for "thread hi-jack", 10 points for "spam", another 5 points for being rude!? All because a mod likes and protects fat chicks? Sad... Very sad. I'm sure Admin will answer my questions without the bull shit! I'm butt hurt lol pot calling the kettle black me thinks!
mojoworkin's Avatar
Irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet.

SL--31,000+ posts.

Not hard to figure out.
Still Looking's Avatar
Maybe it's all part of the double secret posting guidelines, lol ...or maybe it's just one of those action/reaction common sense type of things.

Since you seem to be unclear on things I can help break it down for you (..but really you're not unclear on anything here but I'll entertain this for the moment).

1. You were butthurt over some points you received from insulting remarks you made to a member.
2. You then decided to spam the Coed forum here because of it.
3. You were sent a nice polite staff instructional PM advising you against doing that.
4. You then chose to ignore the advice and continue on which resulted in the points you referenced in your OP.

Seems pretty simple to me.

If you want to ignore staff instructions then that's on you, completely your decision sir ...but you can't complain about the results then from doing so.

Also if you want to come in here and vent or cry about some hookerboard injustice that has been done to you ...go for it ...I'm sure we'll all enjoy watching it, lol. Originally Posted by JCM800
Let me remind you that this is a forum for members to ask questions! You can either let the other mods answer if you are clueless about the answers or you can pm Admin. Either way using this forum to play your silly games is uncalled for. If you don't want to be a mod resign. Trust me we'll be able to live without you!
Still Looking's Avatar
Irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet.

SL--31,000+ posts.

Not hard to figure out. Originally Posted by mojoworkin
The Top Posters to the left of your screen, I'm sure appreciate your input!
JCM800's Avatar
Let me remind you that this is a forum for members to ask questions! You can either let the other mods answer if you are clueless about the answers or you can pm Admin. Either way using this forum to play your silly games is uncalled for. If you don't want to be a mod resign. Trust me we'll be able to live without you! Originally Posted by Still Looking

Your non-questions have already been answered sir.
Still Looking's Avatar
Your non-questions have already been answered sir. Originally Posted by JCM800
Oh sorry maybe I missed the answer(s)...

1) Which guideline covers "Spam"?
This one requires a guideline number!

2) How many threads are a member allowed to start?
This one requires a number or as many as he or she wants!

Sorry I don't see the answers?

You might not think they are valid questions but perhaps the other mods or admins will be able to help you.
noleftturn's Avatar
Sir, you know the answer to both questions. What your goal in this endeavor is to put a mod in a trick bag. Your posts often push the line and many times you are given a pass. What you did to this forum is what kids do when they get their hand slapped. You pushed the line by numerous posts that did nothing for this community. This is an information board for several people. Many people exchange information and enjoy this board. Those who continually cause problems are given vacations. This recently happened to you and I am sure it hurt your feelings. Nobody will threaten you and for you to imply that the mods are not doing their job and new mods are needed borders on a threat in my opinion.
You mentioned using this forum to play silly games but that is exactly what YOU are doing! I am sure you will now attack me in one way or another. Remember there was no attack in this post.
An ADULT mod
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar

For buzzkill:

For SL

Oh lets all play nice.
Still Looking's Avatar
Sir, you know the answer to both questions. What your goal in this endeavor is to put a mod in a trick bag. Your posts often push the line and many times you are given a pass. What you did to this forum is what kids do when they get their hand slapped. You pushed the line by numerous posts that did nothing for this community. This is an information board for several people. Many people exchange information and enjoy this board. Those who continually cause problems are given vacations. This recently happened to you and I am sure it hurt your feelings. Nobody will threaten you and for you to imply that the mods are not doing their job and new mods are needed borders on a threat in my opinion.
You mentioned using this forum to play silly games but that is exactly what YOU are doing! I am sure you will now attack me in one way or another. Remember there was no attack in this post.
An ADULT mod
noleftturn Originally Posted by noleftturn
A lot of effort but no answer. Thank you for playing "I'm not going to answer your questions".
Still Looking's Avatar

For buzzkill:

For SL

Oh lets all play nice. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
noleftturn's Avatar
Ok I will no longer treat you as a long time member of this site. I will direct you as I would a newbie even though you have been a member over 5 years, 300+ reviews, and 31000 posts. This is an adult site and your responsibility is to do your OWN research. The questions you have proposed are easily found if YOU merely review the guidelines. That is requested when you sign in. You checked the box just as I do when I sign on. I am NOT going to give you a direct answer for your questions. The guidelines are in simple language so you should have no problem understanding it. I don't believe it is the job of any mod on here to hold your hand when using this site. You have no problems writing reviews or making posts. That would support my theory that you can read, write, and understand simple rules. This post was your attempt to start another fight with the Kansas/Missouri mods. You did not disagree when I stated you knew the answers.
As with any information you want on this site it is always best to do your own research. You do your research on the ladies you see and sometimes that requires many different searches. Do your own research on this as well. You can determine exactly what they state on your own also. Don't worry if you are wrong. A staff member will advise you if that is the case.